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RE: Steem is Hot! Feature Story in Rolling Stone Australia: The Hottest Social Media of 2017

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

@the-alien -- Good find by you for sure. Resteemed.

I scanned that whole article link you posted and read the part about Steemit, that is really something else ---

I think you have really posted a valuable nugget of pop culture that will shift some people this way, immediately and the numbers will move on the platform with new people signing up and checking it out

The 2 stories that stick out here from that article that kinda nail it are this from the RS author:

...." In May, Mahmud Adeleye was living on one dollar a day in West Africa. A month later, he joined Steemit, a new social-media platform that rewards users with its own cryptocurrency. The more "upvotes" – likes, essentially – a post gets, the more it earns. By August, he had made the equivalent of $41,000 – plus another $18,000 after posting his story about this transformation.

If that sounds too good to be true, I felt the same way. Then I posted just four sentences, along with an angry letter that Phil Collins once sent me about a concert review I had written. It received 463 upvotes, and made $10,452 in the site's cryptocurrency, called Steem, which can be converted into bitcoin....."


Thanks Barry! Just FYI it was all thanks to @neilstrauss who wrote this incredible piece.

And that's why whatever this post generates will go to Doctors Without Borders. :)

I think it is just great and what you are doing also.

Since you supported this donation effort here is the update,

Successful Donation Report for @theprophet0 is just out --