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RE: Downvote Pool Deep Dive

in #steem5 years ago

I am not sure anyone has really sat down and thought this through enough. I understand you Want more people downvoting excessively rewarded post. I get that. Reality bites. Look at the number of minnows and redfish. have you even looked at the number of daily active minnow accounts? have you added up the total SP power (thats the vote power they all have) and seen how much of a monetary effect they can have on a post? A few minutes of a check on trending - largerst with a small scroll is $217.62.

Reality just how much of an effect on that post would all the minnows have? Do you think that all the Daily Using minnows could really make a dent in the payout? Get real people. My 100% downvote would be $0.03 cents. At the bare minnimum of dolphinhood my downvote would be $0.10 cents. You would need 2170 I just became a dolphins to bring it to $0.00. Or 7233 minnows that are able to cast a 3 cent reward.

Like @jrcornel has pointed out, all it will do is increase bad apple trollish behavior and drive more people away from the steem blockchain. I understand that it is already a done deal, that it will be done that there will be a downvote pool and there is not a thing anyone on the blockchain can say to change that. At least take the precaution of requiring a comment before being allowing a downvote to go through.


If you state it like that, maybe what is needed is the ability to down vote the reward rather than the post itself. Think I might look at writing up a blog post on some alternate models for that later. Think we could base some kind of counter proposal for a down vote pool based on that concept. Maybe a downvote pool that never cuts into reputation.

I'm pretty sure that once you get to 60 rep downvotes stop affecting reputation.
Stimialiti wouldn't have his rep, otherwise,...

No, it still does, but the amount needed to drop rep also increases. All it currently requires is your rep being higher than the person to affect reputation negatively.

The idea of downvoting the reward giver did not go over well. You see that would remove rewards from the larger accounts, this is about increasing rewards for larger accounts, or that is the way I see it.

What the fuck kind of latrine trash reasoning do you and other such prophets adhere to?

If it was not meant for minnows and the population in general then they would not have had polls to change the flag to a down arrow, they would not have pinned the Initial couple of EIP post, and they certainly would not have pinned this one for all on steem to see.

History and experimentation show that given unchecked power people will use that power. Take a re-look at the Stanford Prison Experiment, take a look at any social behavior experiment that give the ordinary extraordinary powers. Un like YT, FB, and a few other sites there is no real troll type activity other than the few serial down voters/flaggers on steemit. One does not need to be a prophet to look on seem and see or hear about the of accounts that were bullied off the platform from flaggers. (Some deserved it, others not.)

This downvote pool has never been about anything other than money. I have never said it is about anything other than the big stakeholders wanting to make more money.

It takes large stakeholders to fix it, I thought I clearly pointed that out with showing how many minnows and dolphins it would take to come together and have an effect on a large payout.

Perhaps there is a language barrier for you or a comprehension issue.

a lost in the sauce nonsense Individual

The "large stakeholders do care about the health of the network", they do not care about the health of the network, they care about the health of their investment.

However all that said, thank you for such an enlightening response, I have never been schooled by someone that wants to be screwed in the ass by a bulldozer.