I'm not a programmer, nor a shrink. I doubt that the thief will return the funds, they started their time on steemit as a photo thief, and could gain no or very few rewards through that route, so they upped their game, that money is gone. I saw one comment that maybe it was a hacked account, from what I saw, it started like I said as a thief.
From a programing point, it seems that it would be a simple fix, "a quick look at the memo string, hmmm this starts with a 5 and is a mix of numbers characters and of a password length, lets ask if the person really want to hit the enter key, just in case". If string starts with 5 has 33 characters, goto error - are you sure. But like I said, I am not a programmer, so not sure how easy/hard that would be to do.
Okay off to see the damaged post.
Yeah i think it's pretty easy to script in. Check the length and the first few chars and wipe the field if it looks suspect.