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RE: Steem is priced roughly $100 million less than Bitshares, does that make sense?

in #steem7 years ago

Here is a thread to an alleged conversation with Dan about this topic, although to be honest I still don't know it means he is working on developing the current Bitshares and STEEM or a competing project ?

~~~ embed:eos/comments/8we7tp/dan_says_he_is_going_to_try_to_finish_coding/?st=JJHF2VUX&sh=d457acf5 reddit metadata:fGVvc3xodHRwczovL3d3dy5yZWRkaXQuY29tL3IvZW9zL2NvbW1lbnRzLzh3ZTd0cC9kYW5fc2F5c19oZV9pc19nb2luZ190b190cnlfdG9fZmluaXNoX2NvZGluZy8/c3Q9SkpIRjJWVVgmc2g9ZDQ1N2FjZjV8 ~~~


It looks like a platform built on either bitshares or EOS, I am not totally sure either. However, it does look like it will be a competitor to steemit, lovely.