
lol... ok... i will...

Here is my tat on my arm:

Ehh, not too impressed. I prefer ilovepoorpeople's cute bird pecs. Those were mighty impressive.

hahaha... yes I must admit... he did have some pipes! :P

ok, now I'm intrigued :)

First pictures of Fabio, and now this haha

hahaha @davemccoy...that is hilarious!!

And only the stupid girls paid attention to the bad boys :)

hey I knew I liked you @lynncoyle1... you are good for my ego and I appreciate that you stick up for me (psst I'm really not a bad boy and that isn't really my tattoo). ;)

And that's funny you said that, I used to say that to myself all the time. If they wanted the muscley bad boy types with big muscles and long flowing hair, then they were just stupid. Maybe I was smarter than I thought back in the day, or maybe its just something that everyone says when they can't get the girls that they wanted... I choose the former thanks to you and your ego boost! :D

I unfortunately was once a 'stupid girl'...learned my lesson though; so that's a good thing! I used to say to my sons and boys I taught all the time, "shh don't tell anyone I said this, but those girls will grow up to regret their choices" :)

I knew it wasn't your tattoo haha

Always happy to be your "ego boost"!!