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RE: Have there been more downvotes since the button was relabeled and moved?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Shouldn't you be measuring flags per total posts? Rather than an absolute number? That way, if the total number of posts go down, then the total flags go down as well... Due to lower total usage?

It should be renamed 'click here for free crypto' or 'register for airdrop' and it should give a satisfying level up PING!


Yes, perhaps :)

I'm not really with it today, family stuff is occupying my mind.

No problem, looking forward to seeing your candidate announcement for Prime Minister. Or whatever it is you are up to...

Who wouldn't trust a Prime Ministerial candidate called 'abh12345'...?

He has Rep 74, I would trust him! Focus on the rep and hammer it with a big marketing campaign!

He can count! He mostly knows his alphabet! He's English or similar! Vote for XXXNNNNN!

Definitely has my 5000 votes!

Would you believe that I never once realised you were Unity until now?