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RE: How should Steemit Inc decentralize their stake?

in #steem7 years ago could award stake for quality curation over time and tied to performance....gradually divesting the stake into the hands of the people that maintain integrity and reputation and who's actions enable steem to function.


Thereby empowering anybody willing to brown nose stinc and disadvantaging anybody not willing to sell their soul for money.

You jumped right past the main point....the community decide the criteria for awarding effort, not obviously.

Yes, if the community wasn't mostly sycophants of stinc, et al, that might be a good way to do it.

Not many contrarians are gonna make the popularity lists and leaving them unrewarded skews the effort towards brown nosers and feel gooders negating the contributions that keep us from inbreeding.

How do you propose to rank curators?

Without dissent it is all a circle jerk by conformists, imo.
Not rewarding those who are unpopular, and contrarian, guarantees that the circle inbreeds and only gets smaller.

Which will be very popular among the sycophants. 0.o

Remember the primary goal is attenuating abuse of the inflation by the handful of powerful accounts. I think positive curation can be structured in such a way that all points of view can be accommodated and nurtured. It requires a significant scaling up and enhancement of current efforts.