A Call to the Whales - It's Time to Clean This Place Up - Please Join Me!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

This is a call for any "whales" who really care about their investment to man up and work with me to clean this place up.  Please, I cannot do it on my own and I need help.  It's time.

You know how to find me.


There are 4 pages

@berniesanders check this guy out, it seems as if this is trevon, or maybe craig. Don't know.


He keeps spending a ton on upvote bots and gets upvoted by trevon and craig each time. So it might be craig or trevon. Eitheir way the owner is a peice of shit and deserves to get flagged.

Upvoting myself in hopes that you actually see this.

Wow, now making $250+ a post, just making 1 post a day at the moment........ but still, there's no content there!, just a picture on closer look to random meaningless stuff, it gets depressing seen accounts like this getting money for this crap. By the way @buildawhale is upvoting those post too :S

@novert is following interesting people like: is haejin, jerrybanfield, sweetssj..

i was following jerrybanfield, but i guess is because i am still a newbie around and i need to gain power (knowledge)...

Yes, watch and learn for the moment. Help when you can. Checkout @fulltimegeek. He is a good role model. Also, (if you like gardening or homesteading,) @goldendawne.

And check for me.... @buildawhale has a blacklist... You may be able to report that account... That would be great if you can do that for us! @themarkymark is a good guy and against spam.

I posit very few whales will heed your call. You will find that frustrating and it will reinforce you in the belief that there are too few true heroes and unfortunately the filthy-rich on this Earth are overwhelmingly loathable scumbags.

While this is not entirely false, I would like to draw your attention to a bias you are introducing when observing the whales from your position (like in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle): you have a very blunt, uncompromising, some might say abrasive approach that is not conducive to consensus and collaboration. Some whales might thus be interested in working to clean this place up ... but not with you.

I do not say that in order to make you "feel" something. I say it in in the hope that you'll "think" up something. I am conviced you care a lot about this place (as I do). And that your goal is to have a better Steemit.

But if we admit that your personal approach to engaging with people might be counterproductive and repel some of those that share the same goal (a better Steemit), then up to where are you ready to change your approach, what are you ready to compromise in order to enlist more whales to work for that goal ?

Of course, there's also the possibility that you won't accept that your very personal approach of "slashing and burning" things (that can be indeed seen as deserving to be slashed and burned ) gets into the way of uniting the whales.

There was a truce called a few months back where haejin made a deal with bernie to use the 100% power up on 4/10 of his post's which was a fair compromise.

Unfortunately it didn't last long and now we are almost back to square 1.


I think steem would be far greater if abuse, hatred, and spam were all properly called out and flagged. If the system were perfect, the majority of the reward pool would be going towards high effort, community building content.

If you wish for other whales to join you, you should lead by example, and refrain from the abuse/excessive flagging of accounts that are NOT being abusive, including myself.

Whales need to be leaders of positivity, showing the best of what the platform can be. They also need to properly access and take action towards abuse.

I want to like you Bernie, but you often take things too personally to objectively access what is abuse.

I think some positive reinforcement of abuse-flagging would likely be most rewarding towards the community.

I have flagged endless amounts of spam, only to see 0 reward and my VP% go to 20. And then they end up flagging me back. If you can create a bot that rewards everyone and anyone for abuse flagging I think it would be extremely valuable to steem.

There needs to be a clearly defined line of what is abuse though- not the grey area you are creating.

best of luck.

Go back & post on @Haejin's blog. Quit trying to suck on his & bernies cocks. "I want to like you Bernie, but you often take things too personally to objectively access what is abuse." @berniesanders How many times is this fuck gonna play both sides of the war. And say goodbye to your 1REP now asshole.

Why are you so hateful? Get over yourself.

I comment on both of their blogs in hopes they can reach a positive resolution. I try to be friends with everyone on steemit, though I will always call out bullshit when I see it.

There isn't a clearly defined line of what is abuse thanks to bernie, which is something that needs to be fixed. I can comment on Haejin's blog, his blog, anyone's blog that I want to, and Bernie can flag me if he wants. I think it would be more beneficial if he clearly stated what I was doing to be abusive though.

I'll post on haejins blog and bernies blog if i want to. Gatekeep somewhere else prick!

help me become a whale and I will support your cause!

Sadly I can't help you that much, but I resteemed this for others to see.

You have my full support. Good luck!


I know this is for whales, but I think minnows can help as well. The problem is I flagged @haejin on a few articles for like 0.30 each and I've had just as many posts flagged for around 4-5 dollars each.

I just can't make additional one line posts and make that money back.

Idk maybe it's not worth it for minnows to get involved and maybe that's the lesson I've learned, but I don't like people may be easy rewards by lying to people either.

Focus on plagiarisers, scammers, and spammers. Leave the steemit success stories like @haejin alone.

He's not a success story unless you consider people like Bernie Madoff a success. He simply bought the pool. That's it. Any other rich person could do the same thing. This war helps to throw some doubt in their mind about that.

Do you have that evidence yet that haejin is rancho? Or that haejin funnels money back to rancho?

Makes no difference. Whether I buy the pool and give it to myself or buy the pool and give it to you, the result is the same. A single individual is responsible for that wealth in either case. That is not success. Additionally, that fact is information that should be taken into account when voting on his blog.

Then you should design a platform that rewards people based on something other than the steem that they have powered up.

Nope. No need. We just need a system that has checks and balances in place to stop abuse...Oh looky here:

From the Steem Whitepaper:
Fortunately, any work that is getting a large concentration of votes is also gaining the most scrutiny (publicity). Through the addition of negative-voting it is possible for many smaller stakeholders to nullify the voting power of collusive groups or defecting large stakeholders.

Don't flag these people yourself, better delegate SP to @randowhale, receive some rewards and you can know for sure that bernie will flag some guys with that account :)


Just a reminder I had posted a comment to @trevonjb asking if he would be interested in negotiating a truce with you and use his 200,000 steempower to help ur cause I’m exchange for not flagging his posts, basically a lesser of two evils situation. You responded that he should message you, so just know I tweeted that at him, but I, sure he has hundreds of tweets and likely didn’t see it. I would encourage you to reach out to him, he has a lot of steempower and should be a huge difference in your fight again the reward pool stealer.

How are you going to tackle this from the source? I'm sure you have also read @schattenjaeger's most recent post on why he's leaving the platform.

As long as people are able to buy votes, I do not really see how this can be fixed by the community. It's like whack-a-mole, you downvote 5 posts and 10 new ones pop up...
I'm not saying that people should just accept this reality, but better solutions need to be found.

Just from a personal perspective, I'd hate to spend my time and effort in a platform that will just end up dying because artificially upvoted crap rules the trending section.

I'd be willing to delegate some of my very limited SP for a good cause btw.

buying votes is small potatoes ... the bigger issue is the plagiarism and copy/paste going on.

The whales should be joining bernie going after the bigger idiots but the rest of the community could be helping projects like @submarine and @steemcleaners clean up the plagiarism and copy/paste

Excellent comment, I was thinking this too. Thanks for mentioning @shsttenjaeger 's post.

With the way things are right now, tackling at the source is not possible. I think the whales here forgot about what's in the original whitepaper, which is a shame.

Yes, it's a never-ending battle, but it's one that needs to be fought if Steem is to survive given nobody is making any worthwhile updates to the blockchain itself.

I just wish that Steemit would make it easier and more fun to do proper manual curation.

Currently the way everything is displayed on the Steemit website isn't really supportive of good manual curation. More filtering options would be great and better community highlights would be a nice addition.

But can't trending algorithms be changed at the condenser level? Trending. That's really what the whole bot voting thing comes down to isn't it? If the site developers could come up with a better trending algorithm, and showcase better content on the main pages, it would drive more users to Steem. Mind you, I'm not saying do anything with the rewards. Whales upvotes, self-votes and all that would still work...which would make abuse less noticeable, so there would have to be some brainstorming on a solution for that. I don't know. I'm just throwing out ideas.

The same thing could happen for rep which sucks currently. One person, no matter how powerful, should be able to totally silence or otherwise affect the reputation of another. This is a main factor that kept minnows from joining the fight as well. It could be totally changed at the condenser level...in fact it already is a function of the condenser, based on info from the blockchain.

I've thought that TRENDING should maybe only show the top trending post of 1 per person MAX. That way the system can't be gamed. More people's trending post would get to appear on it. Not just @Haejin's garbage.

This implies identity verification for participation on a block-chain and most people are against that for various good reasons. Correct me if I am wrong on this. I would like to be.

Well at least 1 per steemit account which I was kind of trying to say. Something like that. Have a max number of post a user can have trending at a certain time.

No Abuse?

So, the three other accounts that voted up your comments would be able to get to the trending page too? Don't you think that is gaming the system as well?

I think this is a hard problem.

The Tragedy of the Commons

Many users do not know what is considered wrong behavior for the platform. There is a tragedy of the commons problem where every user can get more utility by up-voting themselves (either directly or through alt-accounts). We would benefit more as a group in finding better content if we all would vote articles according to article quality. Those that do not vote for themselves are fools that get less and less utility and thus become poorer and poorer.

Flagging people with very large stakes to that vote themselves have problems

How do you know how to map accounts to people? (An answer bittrex memo codes). Votes can be bought and so how do you determine which were bought when votes can be bought (out of band: another altcoin, or fiat)

Flagging can also be abuse

Is it right to flag all of the posts because of what a user wrote in one? This is flag abuse. Or flagged because she is the wife of Jerry Banfield.

Are there any blockchain updates in particular that you'd like to see to help address this? or changes that you think have caused it to be worse now than previously? Getting the economic incentives right seems nearly impossible to me.


I agree bro, unfortunately I aint a whale. I have the time but not the SP

I've only been on the platform for 2 weeks and I'm already starting to see the chinks in its armor. The vote trading is horrendous and some of the content that earns is ridiculous. I'm still in the "try my best with content and comments phase" but I already have that gut feeling by week 4 I'll be on here ranting - and oh boy, do I love a rant...

What I don't get is why don't the ones with huge SP fix it out of self preservation. Isn't the entire value of SP = the valuation of STEEM. So if the reputation of this platform tanks, the value of STEEM tanks, and if that happens the millionaire SP holders will have power down valuations equal to a can of coke and a BLT (which is nice, but it's no million dollars).

See, told you I love a rant.

Maybe the ones with huge SP start to not really care that much? I don't know but if you have a a lot of steem power you already made a lot of money on Steemit and obviously have a lot of money invested in other things. Just a thought.

Possibly and probably. I'm still feeling my way around Steemit and learning so my rants are likely virginal in their theory.


Hello! I am a bot. My main account is @monte67. Right now I have just started out and I have very little steem power. By upvoting my comments you can help me become a larger bot. Thanks for your support! I want to become a larger whale so that I can help clean this place up too!

I strongly agree with you ,, my SP is very low


@berniesanders ...thats great man...a good move...u really need someone to go with u to clean up the place...hope u will get a partner soo n...thankyou


Yes! Calling to arms! That is what we need and I sincerely hope that other whales will realize that too. Instant Resteem


Have you tried to get a whale to delegate SP to you? That would be awesome.

I'll look into the @masterbot fiasco

How I wish I was a whale I would have join hands with you to clean this community because the few weeks have spent on here I can see there are a lot of scammers but unfortunately am not a whale. But I wish you all the best in the quest of keeping the community clean and safe.



Being on the sidelines and watching various goings-on can suck when you have such a small influence. But I and a great percentage of us on the platform are very grateful for your continued efforts and fight.

I hope you gain the support you've requested, this place needs more hero's like yourself.


Great Information.I will Agree With You.Worth Reading Your Post.Happy Steemit.Thanks For Sharing Your Thoughts.

Although I am not a whale, but from the beginning I always support you do it, maybe just time, prayer and whatever it is to keep supporting you.


Thought you had the backing if other whales...when you flag I see a trail of other people with you. Its unfortunate that I am no whale yet coz if I were, I would have definitely helped you clean this place up.

Yo make me a whale and I'll join ya in this adventure!
Jokes aside.
(not really)

Have you checked out @papa-pepper's recent post about discussing this very thing?
There are some useful ideas in there.
Maybe this war with spam/abuse can still be won in a peaceful and organised way?

Other than that, there's not much that can be done with 0.02 worth of flag power so, yeah.

yeah! everybody seems to be getting on board the anti-scam-train
If you have some power left in you, flag! every little cent does help,
and 0.02 x 100 is....? ( and so on and so on..)

Problem is - I don't have 12 alt accounts in case this one comes under heavy fire.
Gotta play reasonably and look out for my ass too, y'know?

Your ass comes under fire and we will work to support and nurse you back to health, or someone else could create an account for ya to transfer crap to

Apparently Steem is a war zone and advanced military tactics are now being employed.

Not really, its more like feudal Europe where each person has a kingdom and most of the time you are at peace (but your neighbors may be in a battle) and most of the people were more worried about getting food for the winter over whats going on around them.

I mean I guess it could be seen as a war zone but most places (i.e. people/groups) are mostly unaffected by the battle

I like your analogy better; actually makes a lot of sense.

Haha I don't know man, sounds good but let's see what bernie has to say.


@berniesanders very intriguing post. What excactly you mean by cleaning ? Can You explain better ?

We need to enter better quality on Steemit and of course greater percentage of people that will not only register but be active, because as I saw the activity on Steemit goes down and the vallue of Voting power goes down ?
Is your cleaning connected to this and with gaining more exchanges among all users - Whales and Minnows ?

@berniesanders It would indeed be nice to firstly explain yourself when saying 'cleaning up', in addition and for those of us who are new, who are you? Are you a member of the Steemit hierarchy? From this post it I find it hard to see any clear information on.... well? anything?

He is a very old Steem member and he is concerned to preserve or use the reward pool for good, at least so it seems.

He can be fast judging many times, but lately he has improved his way of acting.

When he says that he wats to clean this place he talks about maybe flagging over rewarded posts and authors who are not bringing much value to the platform and instead who are focused on their own wealth.


if you need somebody to play some wardrums in the background let me know! :)

@berniesanders. You’re not alone on the course of cleaning steemit but the thing is as a minnow with little or no power. Talking from my perspective, has little or no effect on this people bigger than I am but believe me you’re not on this alone. Your efforts had greatly improved steemit and your efforts has been recognized. I as an individual will always support your course of cleansing this wonderful platform steemit. Good work sir


After reading the comments I am curious what you think the best thing that a minnow can do to make their contribution?

Besides aiming to make quality content...

How can we make an impact with such litttle influence?

if I'm a whale !!!
ha ha ha

Sadly, you are one of the only people who give a fuck about the community and not just lining your own pockets....even you know what the result of your call to arms will be...nada. I see so may whales and dolphins on here sat on 50K delegations that are used to upvote themselves and thats it. They are as bad as Haejin in my opinion.
Best of luck to you.

Help me understand, what's wrong with people trying to line their pockets using Steem? Isn't that the whole appeal? Post good content and make some money? Isn't that why Steem should have any appeal in the first place? Honest question. I am new and joined Steem because there's one particular content writer I really like, and I thought it was cool that I can "upvote" this person. Then I see attacks and spam that claims to be "anti spam" and I'm like, man this platform is jacked up.

It is fine to upvote someone you like. Normally it is good.

Unfortunately, Haejln is working with a whale to gain HUGE amounts of Steem. $300 per post for 10 Posts a day is crazy.

Maybe some of his work is worth $300. But not 10 Posts EVERY day.

He is greedy. Because he does this then he hurts everyone.

If he really cared he would be generous and give away $5 upvotes to his followers. But he doesnt. He only upvotes himself. Then he asks you, his followers, to upvote him more and more.

His behaviour is bad. Steem was made to help everyone, not just for a few to EARN HUGE SUMS of money.

He wants followers to make him rich. But good steemians want community to help and support each other.

I hope this helps. Good luck to you!


I am not a big whale but what actually we need to Do sir i always want to help steemit comunity


What is the meaning of whale in Steemit community plz, I have been seeing it but don't understand.

Bernie, one of the problems I see with this flagging war is that apart from the results being meager, @haejin still gets big payouts every day, haejin is not the only one who does this and their is no way to stop them all that I can see except the Steemit devs stepping in.
As for the people who are willing to flag someone like @haejin (I saw a comment by @gniksivart) and have a lower reputation and much lower VP, see what @berniesanders is asking for-WHALES- that is because if you have a lower REP your downvote will do nothing, apart from getting @haejin to downvote you as well and that guy can damage you.

As long as linear rewards are in place, this is sadly a fight against wind mills. We need the witnesses to get the necessary HF20 done the right way.

I mean no disrespect, but the whales on this site are too segmented. There's been too much infighting in recent months, exacerbated by big players getting into flagging wars with others. You're hardly exempt from this, as your spat with haejin was one of the larger ones.

I'm not going to say one was right and one was wrong, because looking form the outside, the only winning move was not to play. And unfortunately, your post isn't going to draw the whales you seek to join you. It's going to be minnows like myself who haven't been around very long and don't know the whole story. Admittedly, that includes me. But I do know that flagging others with my minuscule SP is a fool's errand. It'll only lead to me being flagged and unable to earn anything of value.

The whales that would likely join you are also probably too put off by the events of the past two months to want anything to do with either side. That is, assuming they were never dragged into it in the first place. Kinda like #GamerGate, to be quite frank. The moment you made any statement, you were immediately branded an enemy by the opposition. I know what comes out of such insanity, and it's not worth the headache.

I hope for Steemit's sake that I'm proven wrong. It would be great to see the whales joining forces to help clean up some of the glaring issues with this site. The cynic in me says it's not likely, but would love to be wrong on it.

I think we've got real proof of the power of a single whale now.


I'm not about to tag any whales here, but anyone who's been paying attention knows that one whale single-handedly downvoted several of these posts into the land of no rewards.

I think a coordinated effort of high power downvotes sufficient to at least erase the one consistent whale vote for about a month would probably be enough to either get them to stop wasting their power, or at least slow down and evaluate. And this is just one account, there are countless others.

Is there any benefit to get even minnows to delegate as little as 5 SP to a larger downvoter? This would one way to put power to use without fear of retribution.

I hope there is a legitimate response to your call to action.


We Are Learning Here.
We moved from Facebook here to get better.

Please Respect Our Hard Work and do not directly flagging sadistically.

Thank You

Okay...then all whales should agree to get the API changed so that voting can't be done through the API unless it is done on the Steemit site and that an added verification be added in order to prevent bots from trying to bypass the restriction by using page skimmers.

It can be similar to the slide puzzle login used on Binance.

Dear @berniesanders,

I know this post is for whales to support you, and I think it's a very good idea to empower the cleaning on the platform, however, I have a proposal after this step.

Whales have steem power, but they are a minority compared to all the users within the platform, most of us are just minnows and dolphins. We might not have steem power, but we have time and we are much more users than whales, so we can create an army together.
The proposal is to do a specification requirement for minnows and dolphins to apply in this cleaning process of the platform. After a very carefully filter you can select the ones who really have proof genuine knowledge and work, then with help of whales, delegate SP to those accounts to do the required activities.

Don't misunderstand me, I took this approach to you, not for greed, I really want a change and I would love to support all the high-quality content and end with spammers, scammers.


Congratulations @berniesanders, this post is the fifth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superuser account holder (accounts that hold between 1 and 10 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superuser account holders during this period was 1706 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $13943.85. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.

I agree bro, unfortunately I aint a whale. I have the time but not the SP

Hi bernie im just a minnow but really love steem. It really has changed my life. I really hope its around for a long time. So do what you got to do in the best interest in the platform. Im just enjoying meeting new people and sharing my passion, making money is the last reason im here even though it was the first reason i came. I unfollowed you and hajin because im not even sure what to think, and honestly haven't even grasped what the situation is. But if you believe in the platform im with you.

Time to "downvote" these pieces of shit ruining our platform. It will be difficult to get minnow or whales to follow b/c they think too short term and in the moment. With enough support across the platform and everyone striking at once, their is nothing these spammers and scammers could do and less risk for the downvoters. Hopefully a action plan can come to fruition.

my response:

I am new to steem, and I actually want to understand. What's wrong with people wanting to "cash out" isn't that why people come to steem in the first place? To get rewarded for their work? Anytime I see people talk about "our platform" or "our community" it's coupled with the most hateful, immature posts...so much that someone new (like myself) starts thinking....man this is one messed up platform/community .... What am I missing?

great impact in my minds

I am new to steem. I have an honest question, and doubt I may get an answer after I say that I follow Haejin and built a steem account because I like Haejin's TA, and I thought the idea of upvoting and rewarding was pretty neat.. That alone will probably get me flagged by like 30 people--but I guess I don't really care if I can understand the situation better. I really do think Steem is interesting, and want to learn more. Why do some people harp on this idea of "not cashing out"? I hear a lot about supporting the "Steemit Community" But honestly the only time I hear about "Supporting the Steemit Community" it's usually associated with some attack, cursing, and immature post. As an outsider--someone who just set up a Steemit account to upvote a technical analyst, it makes this whole concept of the "Steemit Community" seem just plain weird.... But I really do want to understand the situation better. I have wanted to look into Steemit a little more, and I do see some potential--the idea is actually really neat. Wouldn't allowing individuals to "cash out" and take their rewards and convert them to dollars be a highly incentivizing factor to help more people come to steem. I think of Litecoin.... I buy it to xfer it and trade for other alts because it's fast. It serves a good purpose. I don't HODL big amounts of it. But I assume lots of people do what I do and that creates a demand for LTC... In a similar way, If other people buy steem to support their favorite writers, I can only imagine that (coupled with the possibility of cashing out) helps STEEM...and if it didn't help Steem.......I feel like maybe it's not designed to succeed. I really don't understand well enough... Figure you guys are passionate about what you're doing and can help me understand.

Is there a website where you can search for steemit users by criteria e.g. a list of users sorted by their # of posts per day?

Would be nice to have some filters as well for searching steemit posts say where you could easily identify posts with low $ but high upvotes or views (quantity) for support.

Steem-Plus is adding some improvements and filtering.


i think this not good

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