@minnowbooster rejects delegation from @trevonjb

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I had a convo with a team member from @minnowbooster who has agreed to stop paying rewards to known scammer @trevonjb for his delegation.

We will not let this scammer take away from your rewards!

I encourage any other bot owners that allow delegation to follow their lead, we will be doing the same with @randowhale if he decides to delegate to us.

There are 2 pages

It looks like Lucky Trevon finally found his 111 "Stolen" Bitcoin ...!

I am wondering if the craig-grant copy cat is doing smart moves at the moment.
craig is settled in a way and will smartly "disapear".
But this "next-gen-Marketing" Kid is kind of to excited.
Very interesting to watch his moves here on steemit at the moment...

He is simply an arrogant opportunist which actually has no real useful talents, principles or knowledge.
Now he's a "rich kid" wich is simply bored and overwhelmed by his lucky last month.
he really is just to dumb to realize that he is only embarrassing and without reasonable ideals.

SO now he is doing what rich, bored and dumb people are doing.
he wants to accumulate power and influence....

by the way
nice curation work sir !

Edit: checked your post again and i swear a minute ago it said minnowbooster WAS accepting his delegation, I guess it has changed or I read wrong, either way, this is a win for us :)

Edit2: the url says "minnowbooster support scammers like trevonjb", thus you must've come up with an agreement with minnowbooster minutes ago... congratulations minnowbooster for standing with the community and showing true professionalism and NOT greed!

I saw somewhere that trevon is Minnowbooster's 2nd biggest delegator...

All of his loyal idiots are like wow congratulations, that's so good!! Using the money you scammed from us to earn more money wow good job man!!

I was also literally going to mention this yesterday, but I saw you tag minnowbooster as blacklisting trevon so i assumed it would stop but I guess not...

Literally the only source of income from Steemit is through Minnowbooster now that you and others are flagging all his shit, once minnowbooster stops supporting this scammer, he's got no place left on Steemit and the only thing left to do for him is power down and sell his Steem, which I'll gladly buy ;)

We already banned him from buying upvotes, but we can't send his delegation back. The blockchain and the automation we have don't make it easy to react to such events.

Btw sure his delegation is big but it is like 5% of everything I think, maybe even less. Not all things are immediately a scam and a conspiracy.

yeah that's fair enough since i understand nothing about the technical side, and i got nothing against minnowbooster, in fact I'm leasing power from the platform right now.

I'm not saying minnowbooster is a scam or a conspiracy, it's just that the action of supporting a scammer is frowned upon but since the post has been changed, I assume minnowbooster is acting towards rectifying the problem, which is the most anyone can really ask for haha

Why send it back?
Thanks, @trevonjb, we gladly except your free delegation

it's not free, he gets paid for it every day, check his wallet history and you can see how much he gets paid for it every day.

I guess it is just a small script adjustment, to add a blacklist to the payout function

I'm not a scammer. Just because everyone thinks I'm a scammer doesn't mean that I am one for a fact. The FACT is that I did videos talking about Bitconnect with a large audience and the government interfered and made them end the lending. That doesn't make me a scammer. It means the goverment is shit. Everyone who was using Bitconnect was happy.

Please, keep posting so we can finally kill off your rep. We will all see what happens in the court and even those who don't trust the system know you promoted a scam. Go find another platform to spread your bullshit on.

I hope you removed your delegation, you're wasting time.

Says the one with -18 rep

Government didn’t kill Bitconnect, they prevented more money being lost if anything. Imagine it closed a week later... 7 days of pyramid money for you and 20x of that is basically gone. Trevon think about that. Seriously.

You have to first stop letting Glenn and Craig control you. Maybe you really did post videos for “entertainment” purposes, but Glenn and Craig made you their _____. They gave you $100,000 that one time to give $100 to 1,000 people to reel them into Bitconnect now those 1,000 people probably invested $1,000 - $10,000 (and I’ve seen some people do 6 figure loans after that promo). So let’s say $5,000 per person since you did that promotion in November 2017 I think. For $100,000 that Glenn gave you to use, it generated $5,000,000 in loans which you got $250,000 (5%Pyramid) and Craig got $150,000 (3% Pyramid) and Glenn got $100,000 (2% Pyramid) . Trevon you really seem like you would be a good person if Bitconnect never existed, so if you still believe you didn’t do shit to hurt many, you are either just plain stupid (some people can’t help that they are stupid I get it.) or you are still stupid by not noticing what Glenn and Craig did to you.

Maybe you really are a victim like everyone else, but you are also a scammer and because of that there are many people that are at their lowest point in their lives. Just think about it and stop saying your not a scammer and just stay off the internet and current:future blockchains and people will eventually forget about you being a scammer. Good luck and your crack head pic cracks me up every time.

Yet you see what's being done here, or are you still trying to convince yourself otherwise? That $6.29 vote ain't gonna help you much...

Real Bernies Anders found:

Bernie sanders will have the highest rep after killing your bitch ass steemit account trevon retard

Bern (excuse the pun)

You knew from the very start bitconnect was a scam yet you kept promoting it... there is proof of this and YOU KNOW IT.

Furthermore, you're not apologetic to your investors, you actually promote new scams like Davor??? Bitconnect JUST went down and you have the audacity to promote a clone of it to the same people you scammed previously?

Furthermore, your facial expressions are exaggerated and cringey and make your videos unwatchable. At the start, your videos were honestly not too bad, which is probably how you gained your fanbase to begin with. However, you used your power to promote Ponzis like Bitconnect for a quick buck rather than real tech like Steemit and many other coins/blockchains.

Furthermore, your facial expressions are exaggerated and cringey and make your videos unwatchable.

^this 😁

Government my arse, the correction finally brought the ponzi down.


when will you get that through your thick skull???????

Bitconnect was an obvious scam, you joined a scam so it makes you a scammer does it not?

If you don't know anything about US law then it makes sense why you think Bitconnect was great and made you happy. Ignorance is no excuse though.

Let's just assume it is true and you had nothing to do with bitconnect and no connection other then the affiliate status. The main reason why you are, in my eyes, a bad person / scammer is that you showed no regret after what happened and you are not even showing any sympathy to the people losing their money! You even offended them in your videos after the crash and called them stupid for selling their bitconnect tokens. You even still promoted that obvious ponzi scheme and tried to encourge people to buy the coins in those videos after the crash!

Real Bernies Anders found:

I feel like the whole decentralised nature of crypto is being eroded....

It is. A bunch of fat nerds sitting at their computers getting fatter whilst trying to play God. They can downvote all they want.

Real Bernies Anders found:

Come on. Insulting others for your mess is just pathetic. You will get hit way more pretty soon by the justice system. I wish to see you say to a judge "You are just a fat nerd sitting here in court by playing god". Your ignorance and arrogance will give you at least some reality to think about it in the near future. You should be ashamed of your behavior, even after all the mess been done allready. Dont you learn anything?

@trevonjb check my message on steemit.chat thanks

Updated my post.

yeah I realised, hence the 2 edits at the top!
congrats minnowbooster for acting in favour of the community

Hear hear! Time to take out the trash 🤗

Real Bernies Anders found:

Renting out SP is shortsighted in general. The whole point of having a vesting schedule is that the SP owner bears the long term consequences of how people vote. Renting it out to the highest bidder is reckless and empowers voters with no long term commitment or accountability.

This is huge! Thank you for your efforts...whales are getting enough of these rewards, but for him to take peoples money and bring it here to take our rewards is a big freaking no no!
You guys are beasts you downvoted all his shit hahahaha good stuff! Push him off of steemit!!

Its Finally Over 31012018195935.jpg

Leaves you with a nice bern.

Yep it every steemians nightmare

Wow really! that sets a big precedent i look forward to what he has to say.

I didn't know that...this can be very useful to all new steemians boosting themself. On the other note, can we replace f@uck with freaking or something else...lol

Updated my post.

Thank you a bunch for your quick response @berniesanders. Truly, I dint think you will read this message nor change your post, but now I know you do. You rock!!! Not that my upvote matter to you, but is well deserved.

Lmao...perhaps: Greedy @minnowbooster (@thecryptodrive, etc.) gives 0 "Pineapples" (fucks) about Steemit as we can see by them allowing scammers like @trevonjb to earn via their platform and take YOUR rewards.

A Meme made by me.
Becareful people, @berniesanders has his eyes on you ! :D

''Run wherever you can, but there is nowhere to hide.''.jpg.png

Leaves you with a nice bern.

My boss is at it again, fighting for what is right and just, I wish we had more people like you.

Wow. I can't believe Minnowbooster is doing this.

Scanners must not be allowed on Steemit.

Updated my post.

Oh. Trevonjb is in deep trouble. He made that move at the very wrong time.

Scammers are not allowed on this platform. While people are racking their brains and working hard to earn something, some wanna just make them lose it all.


wow, this shit really goes further than I could imagine.
You are the new WhalePD.

Whatch out whales!

Thank you without the rewards from steembots and steemit he will leave steemit for good

Wonderful. So glad the community is rejecting him from everything. Him and Craig are just low down crooks. I guarantee they got paid to make videos after the scam was exposed saying to keep your btc and buy more. So sad they helped destroy innocent people. Trevon even has the nerve to say if you do not know how crypto works then you shouldn't be using it, yet his advice was not taken when he was recruiting new members to sign up. Such horrible greedy people in this world.
hqdefault (3).jpg

Hi berni.. I just checked @trevonjb wallet and omg omg and omg.. Shit to gain such big rewards from @minnowbooster.. Scam and games are everywhere.. Here on steemit too but thanx god some guardian like yoy is here to stop it..

its a really informational post. Thanks for sharing.

Yeh this guy is all over the place. Shit is getting crazy.

I understand that you are mad at him, i lost money too but i think you are taking it too far. I agree scammers should not be allowed to make money on people. At the same time i don't think the steem community was build to hate on people. I think by now people understand that you do not support him.

Awww.. Thats very painful
Hmmm.. All will be well so dont worry boss

we will block this all together👊👊👊

Well said. Stop using bots that support scammers!

Thank you for sharing :)

Yes we must stand together side by side

You are fighting the good fight but with little numbers it's a losing battle. Also, this is a delicate situation. On the one hand what you are doing for the community is honorable. The fact that other bot owners are also in agreement is good to see. However isn't this what the platform seeks? For new money to keep coming in thus sustain the steem price?

I only see headaches for you, the community and the user experience in general if all new whales that utilize the system are the subject of community backlash because they have the ability to dip in deeper. It's almost like the saying "my ball and you can't play with it".

Sure Trevon is a piece of shit. Only because we all know his actions outside of here though. In regards to steemit and it's exposure. I would be more inclined to make him work a little for acceptance. Put him on probation with the requirement that he be actively recruiting members in order to win back respect here.

After all, that is what he did best. Get people to trust his word and follow the link.

But how?

Get em Bern

Thank you for advocating for the benefit of the community.

But he would never be able to use them. For <500SP and <100SP users only.
Oh.. And we don't have a payout plan for delegations. Ha! ;)My bots @microbot and @nanobot are open for his delegation.

Nice way of advertising your bots!

I doubt anyone will read this buried down here;)
You have just to much SP for @nanobot. But @microbot could upvote your posts:))

Great. The last thing this place needs is a rotten cunt like that leeching off the hard work of others (AGAIN).

Have you been watching the "fantastic" posts from @traf? Scroll down to the posts that are 6 days old. I know he has invested 500,000 steem, but $300 per meme is a bit much.

I agree. Unfortunately my power is limited and well, not many have stepped up to help.

Real Bernies Anders found:

Thanks for everything you do.

I would be more than happy to accept those rewards in @trevonjb's place. :)

clapping hands.pngGreat news Bernie. @buildawhale I think its called posted last nigh that they have blacklisted @trevonjb also. Looks like your campaign has taken hold. This community to me is about helping people. I salute you're efforts sir.

Awesome, the good need to look out for the good, and spread awareness of scammers.

The simple fact that this guy conned thousands of people into a Ponzi scheme should blacklist him from the entire crypto community.

There are enough scammers hiding behind the anonymity of the Internet. The last thing we need is someone scamming us that has his face all over YouTube.

Unite the good cause!

This is the most impressive thing I have ever seen, how the community put a end to this scammer is beautiful, he had the audacity to promote davorcoin days after bitconnect exit scammed and right now as I type this davorcoin is doing the same thing

Bernie fighting for the people... No matter the reason, altruism is just that, and I respect the fuck out of you mate.

Thanks for share information. Wish you avery happy and bright future

Are you serious man @minnowbooster rejects delegation from @trevonjb ?????? ha ha ha

Kuddos to everyone that stepped up to take care of this, I can NOT stop smiling, justice, finally! -faith in humanity somewhat restored 🖤

good step taken by you dear

That is great news! Glad to see positive changes happening. Steem doesn't need him

The scammers become friends.


As it should be!
Get the guy off the platform... no free lunches here for him.

On the other hand... the guys who want to personally harm him, his wife and his baby are sick!

You are even worst! Take the guy off the platform, but dont be a bunch of animals with mob mentality.


It would be nice to see a "clean up" blacklisting of all known and verified scammers who have flocked innocent people over. He is only one of them in.

Such passion. Such commitment. Such determination.

Thanks for fighting for the minnows.. at least what it looks like here.

You're an intersting person bernie.. I always wonder whos behind the profile. Keep fightin.

wow Haijin just came in and gave this a downvote...this isnt your fight you greedy ****....by down voting this you're supporting scammers...well I guess that makes sense right? scammers sticking together

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