Sorry Not Sorry @jerrybanfield.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I'm done with your scammy bullshit.  Everything you do here is to benefit yourself, while making your little sheep believe you're doing this nonsense for the greater good of Steemit.  

Be honest with yourself, for once.


Dear @abusereports @beniesanders

We noticed that @walden was reporting our accout for Spam and plegarism. If you find plegarism in my account please do go ahead and blacklisted us. We are not responsible for what people use our Bot for, however we are currently making upgrades to it and only Active Steemit users that make unique content will be able to benefit from our Steemit's Community.

If anything, we've help many people join and benefit from this platfrom, but envy is everywhere and that is something that is pretty clear. We are from Dominican Republic, even thought our country is poor, we will able to became wealthy thanks to cryptocurrency investing. We join Steemit to teach people from other poor countries to earn realible income from this platform.

We Delegated Steem Power to Active and hard working Users, that is something that you can go and check for yourself. Anybody benefiting from Us that get banned by @abusereports will be remove from our bot.

Our Bot is similar to @minnowsupport @msp3k and @cervantes

Ps: I would like to speak with you directly as I believe that we could join forces and together make Steemit a better place than what it's today, my Discord: TheKinGeeK👑#8321

You have been identified as a Steem network abuser and have been flagged accordingly. Please behave.

thats so true... so many potential new users are waiting for their accounts to get activated.. and they have to wait because there is not enough funds for the creation of those new accounts.. they are complaining all about it on Reddit and Mr. @jerrybanfield is begging everyone to give him more funds so that he can make more videos to promote Steemit on other platforms.. this I find very funny.. but go on Mr. @berniesanders you are the one who is actually doing something for the community using different methods specially by raising a voice.. many people just dont understand but sooner or later they will understand and BTW your secretary is nice :p

He probably wont stop until he hits a few million $$
The psychological debt of knowing you had a dash masternode and could of made 1-2 dash a week for over a year, must hurt

What's your beef with @jerrybanfield? He creates great content with lots of great advice. His bot only upvotes posts no older than 3 days... If you had a proper reason you would be able to justify it and not just say "Everything you do here is to benefit yourself." In some ways this could be true but his content teaches and helps weather or not he does it hoping to get upvoted by the community. I mean who doesn't. I'm pretty sure you posted this hoping for upvotes...

Thank you!
It is good to see I am not the only one angry at and disgusted by him

One thing that I hate about this guy is the lie that he told about curation rewards on his previous posts I think way back 3 or 4 months ago. I just can't imagine how lots of people fell into it when it's clearly stated in FAQ how much percentage the curator will receive if posts are voted within 30 minutes. Check it out guys for those who don't know. Read FAQ before believing to someones illusion.

What’s JB up to now? I’ve gone back and forth on JB several times throughout his illustrious tenure here, he’s a tricky one to decipher, or maybe I’m just illiterate. Money corrupts, we’ve seen it lots before and I’m sure we will see it lots more in the future, It’s like the hunger games out there, eat or be eaten

I'm back and forth about him as well. I think a big thing acting on the situation is that he went balls deep on STEEM. So he is so deeply invested that his risk into STEEM is far greater than pretty much everyone elses. I'm not trying to say it was a good idea or bad idea but instead of investing his money into real estate or diversifying across a lot of different cryptos he is all in on STEEM. But several times he has stepped on his words and gone against what he has said and then bull rushed into an idea. I would like to think he means well.

Prefer "no soup for you"... better catchphrase... Sorry not Sorry is lame. Pls try harder. No vote.

I agree they all are doing nothing to help steemit platform grow...they only know hoe to benefit themselves...they are greedy enough to make 1000$ perday and give nothing in return ...this completely sucks.....their lust for money is like anything to them...

He always asking for delegation.

Votebot for fat cash stream.

@berniesanders thanks for share.You done @jerrybanfield scummy.great post

Good work thanks for this nice post

wow very nice

You always say what's on your mind... Not so many of us like that here on steemit @berniesanders 😊

Thanks for sharing i will done up vote I always see your post. And follow you

very nice job steemit,thanks for sharing

hello sir @berniesanders please i need your advice on my reputation score i think i was flagged by someone for no reason and i dont know what step to take next now, please an advice from you would be of a great help to me.

@berniesanders you are awesome ...your posts are alwaysss intrestinggg....your point related honesty gives a cool impression of yours.

lol this was unexpected, what makes you say that bernie?

great and very nice job.Good thinking good job.

He's definitely the worst for that shit. You don't hide the fact that you're an asshole and interestingly, you actually help the platform way more than he does - Bernie for witness!

Personally I like jarrybanfield content. Would you tell me what he did?
I didn't understand your post. I didn't get enough information in this post.

He plays the super nice guy, making it seem like he's here to help everyone but really he's pretty much here for profit.

A million thanks, @berniesanders

These bot accounts seem always really scummy. I don't really trust them with my SBD because you will lose more SBD than you will gain in my opinion. Also, when you are giving them you SBD you just create more whales.

@berniesanders This is what im talkin about TRUE ! AF FOLLOWED !

i'm yet to understand how supposed people who have a lot of publicity here aren't satisfied and still want more, leaving the minnows empty. it just irritates me. steemians who aren't wise will fall for measly tricks, especially newbies who are trying to make their shine. it's really unfair.

He sickens me even when muted. Just the thought this scheming charlatan is still on Steemit annoys me to no end.

I want to thank you, because you flagged his spam-comment under my post today. I used him as a voting-bot. For a post about him being an android, because he is a human and a voting-bot. I had my fun today, your flag made it complete.

Why such a brief post? If you're going to make a claim like this you need to provide some evidence

What'd I miss this time?

@jerrybanfield was kinda my mentor in crypto when I started less than 12 months ago...I don’t know how to feel about all of this. I know he has a lot more SP than I do. Sorry not sorry!

huh I need to reconsider my thoughts on him

Im so sick of seeing that dude who looks like a turkey talking about how he knows whats good for steemit when he really just tries to manipulate it for his own benifet

Everyone acts for themselves...

At least, he is trying to give value, and you see effort in his posts... it is in everyone interest to see STEEM grow, thats the beauty of a community.

No offense man, but THIS looks like a scammy behavior...
Hope you are well,

Things are not always as they appear. If you think me rewarding myself with a measly $60 votes is anything compared to the bullshit I flag all day long wasting voting power, you've got a lot to learn.

Says the guy upvoting his own comment.

Did you read the first line?


Yup and I disagree :)

I'm with you!

Look at the bernie sanders voting history (and that of all of his bots) and calculate how much he has flagged from shit-posts and then come back and take away the amount that he upvotes himself for.

Show the math along the way.

If the final result is negative then bernie has a negative impact (and thus takes more from the reward pool than he returns) and if its positive then he returns more to the reward pool than he takes.

Now compare him to everyone else with comparable SP... Even steemcleaners takes more from the reward pool than they return to it...

You opinion < Facts

The fuck are you talking about?

Nvm, misread that. Looked like your response was to bernie, not op. Flagged to 0

what is wrong with upvoting our own comments or post? is this somehow not allowed by the platform? pardon my ignorance, I am new here, and I do upvote my posts, Is this going to get my blacklisted? please advise

Hey, it's a free world! Most people upvote their post but they wait after 30 minutes. I almost never upvote my comments though..

imageWow congratulations your post @berniesanders

Spam is discouraged by the community, including comment spam.

Tips to avoid being flagged

Thank You! ⚜

Thank you for sharing information @spaminator

I would like to add a quote here , that may be helpful to bloggers on this platform;Hey @berniesanders , this is pure truth. Awesome post .

Why You Should Upvote Comments!!!!
I've noticed alot of people doesnt reward their followers, and their commenters on here.
It's a shame.
When someone takes the time to not only read your post but to leave a comment. Even throwing your small vote their way does a lot of great things...
They are More Likely To Follow You;
I'm not saying you should upvote every single comment you get. I try and look for those that I feel provide value to the post. When they see that you upvoted their comment and they will be rewarded as a result. This encourages them to follow you; Then you'll have a regular on your post!
You can grow your followers so that they can grow you;
If they choose to keep their Steem in their account, They may power it up. If you continuously are upvoting their great comments, then they will steadily grow overtime. Their vote will be worth even more, and they'll be able to upvote you, The upvotes you gave them helps them grow, so they have more power on the platform.

You didn't learn your lesson earlier when you were flagged for spamming the @abusereports post, huh?

Think you're going to fare better spamming here? Lol