
Believe what you like. I have no obligation to reveal my information to you or anyone else. Just know that you are incorrect. I'm sorry this ever happened. We have worked months promoting and garnering support from around the web, it's not worth risking all that effort to argue about something that isn't based on any facts. And on that note, I would love to see even one single piece of real evidence that there are ANY shill accounts, rather than speculation. Good day to you.

I can't even believe I'm going to do this, but if that's really all you need to know, that it's from our ya go, I'm ashamed for even feeling like anyone deserves to see anything we own, because you don't, but I KNOW there are some actual humans with logical brains reading this. This is really the only other thing I will ever feel the need to share in regards to this conversation. If you still want to think what you do, go for it.
