RIP GitHub you will be forever remembered!

in #steem7 years ago

Today 4 June, 2018 the giant repo for almost all FOSS projects SOLD out to Micro$haft (microsoft)!

Just remember there can not be FOSS controlled by a company that REFUSES to give their own operating system's code out! They are ANTI FOSS! Micro$haft is a leach and by GitHub selling to them proves we can no longer trust them!

SET UP YOUR OWN GIT REPO SERVERS! GET OFF GITHUB! IT IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED! PLEASE FOSS community TAKE this warning seriously! We do NOT want centralized authority that HATES FOSS in charge of our repos!


They spent $7.5 Billion on this thing and now it might all disintegrate because it's the opposite of Microsoft's core philosophy of closed source.

Right lol they just don't get how much FOSS HATES them do they?

It is wrong for a software company to buy a software hosting service. If you are keeping your code on GitHub you are giving your code to Microsoft. How many of Microsoft competitors store their code on GitHub?

Save as many projects as possible on a blockchain- system ... finally every giant must surrender when faced with decentral solutions !

Time for a decentralized repo server @bigdeej?

Already part of shadow net ;) we realized this problem months ago and laughed at the irony of FOSS being hosted on a centralized platform. We just stepped up the efforts to get it out for FREE for ALL to host ANY PROJECT on a DECENTRALIZED GIT platform!

Jeepers!! Let's hope people heed the warnings, or those leeches will do what they do best.

INSANE isn't it? I can't even believe we are dealing with this! People need to be QUICK and realize this is NOT safe for FOSS!

How long before they re-write the terms of service and corner developers into altering the licensing of FOSS? Little-by-little I fear they will eventually cause a major change. Expect the arguments to include fears about software security, espionage, hacking, cyber terrorism and so on. Authorities have long had it in for FOSS on such grounds.

This looks like a major coup by microshaft and one has to concede that they have played it well. I'm not aware of alternative services that can compare to GitHub so let's hope large companies like the various Linux distributions will begin to create an alternative and start leading a migration? Look here, - the Russian Fedora distribution uses GitHub right now -

WATCH how fast my DECENTRALIZED p2p FOSS GIT service takes off ;)

well you just earned my follow

Thanks for appreciating my concern! Unlike those who for some CRAZY reason think I am spreading FUD for caring that MICRO$HAFT is buying GitHub... They didn't get the name Micro$haft growing up not sueing people like this: Microsoft_vs._MikeRoweSoft ;)

Thanks for your warning, your point of view is respected.
Thanks for sharing!

Oh look I just did that lol bye bye troll

Glad you did, not sure how you think I am trolling anyone by informing others of the potential threat this could be to all projects stored on GitHub though? What if they decide to just wipe out anyone's project that doesn't pay them? I think people should be careful. If that is trolling to you, then I guess I am trolling.

Didn't microsoft already ruin codeplex?

Micro$haft is where all great things go to die that they buy!

Donate 1 SBD or STEEM to @motiursoft to get your last post resteemed Check out @motiursoft

>no complaints about service that's completely closed-source acting as central authority for all things Git

>act like world is ending when bought by a company that is doing more and more stuff that is open source, including by default

I wish Steem had a way for me to downvote you so your post would be worth negative money, smfh

Oh look I just did that lol bye bye troll ;)

I RARELY EVER EVER up vote myself but this called for it ;)! BYE BYE TROLL!

ROFL they do so go ahead and downvote me ;) with your 0.503 STEEM
(+14.497 STEEM) ROFL I have 60 REP and 12,203.682 STEEM


lol damn lady.

I mean if you disagree that GITHUB being bought by MICROSOFT is a bad thing then lets start with an basic test. DO YOU want centralized authorities like microsoft controlling your git repo? If you answer yes then you are not for FOSS. WHEN microsoft releases their windows os and ALL code under MIT or similar license FOSS on github I will change my mind. Till then... NOPE, ZERO TRUST OF MICROSOFT!

Forgive me for I'm not very familiar with programming stuff, but I know at least that we're all here because of the decentralised nature of the platform. Big corporations like Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter etc have been milking our pockets on their platforms and it's a sad inevitability that at some point they'll send mercenaries to create a form of centralisation. This takeover of github is probably part of the elaborate ploy

Good job! You understand what is going on! You are RIGHT! They want to centralize our software! GIT will be decentralized again soon!

Well i hope it doesn't get to that point

And I am a man so yeah just wanna make that clear!

I'm sorry man. Thanx for clearing that up.😂. Have you been able to check out the #comedyopenmic thing I nominated you for?

Damn man, she downvoted you back in time

And I'm a guy!

I don't see downvotes on me lol none that matter at least ;) There is no reason to downvote me I'm a good Steemian against CENTRALIZED tech!