Hi guys,
This day one year ago I discovered the Steem Word Cloud.
I decided to try it and got this:
With these word clouds, the bigger words are the words used the most and the frequency they are used decreases with the size of the word.
I have re-done my Steem cloud today and it is interesting to see which things have and haven't changed.
Both of my clouds draw words heavily from my ongoing piece of fiction, Confusing Earth, however the first one seems to be more influenced by it and the influence of certain characters within the clouds seems to have changed.
In my first cloud Jack, the adult male alien, the father figure in the pretend family in my fiction, was the biggest word. This is now not the case. Now the biggest word is chapter, followed by Earth. Now the characters Max and Maree (the "children" in the pretend family of aliens) seem to have overtaken him as the more mentioned characters and Nathan (an actual human involved in the story) seems to have a similar, if not slightly more, amount of name-mentioning going on in my posts. Bella still appears to be possibly a little smaller, but there isn't much difference between them so it appears that the balance of how much each of those two were mentioned is potentially closer than it used to be. Which would make sense. Bella and her parts in the plot have evolved over time.
However the overall words have changed. Since I have started doing content on Anki Vector, Vector has ended up in my steem word cloud and his word is actually pretty big. It's comparable to Jack, who was previously the biggest word in my older cloud.
Other websites are mentioned in both clouds such as redbubble, youtube, twitter and facebook but the size of them is less now than it was in the earlier cloud.
The word goals is bigger in my newer cloud than the older one which I think is a good sign. Goal on the other hand is tiny so apparently I've most often written it in the plural. Goals alone don't work for me but they are a great starting point to use as a way to direct strategies for improvement and progress that do work for me, and I'm starting to do well with goals and strategies and moving forward, so it's nice to see that there. "Strategies" also joins my current word cloud as does "ADHD" as discovering I have ADHD last year led to a lot of changes, including a focus on strategies because strategies is how I work with my brain instead of against it and it is how I am now moving forward in ways I wasn't before.
I believe most of the use of the word "goals" came from my post where I analysed 2018's goals and my progress towards them and then set goals for 2019: https://steemit.com/goals/@birchmark/responding-to-goals-set-last-year but looking for where I used the word while writing this post led to me re-looking back at that post and I think I am doing reasonable at moving forward towards those goals. One of them is currently irrelevant as my priorities changed slightly, and some of them definitely needed to be broken down into mini-goals with shorter dates to aim for, but as my big goals, I feel most of them are appropriate and I'm doing okay so far at moving towards achieving them.
I had also started my Overwatch Road to Improvement (ORTI) series after the first cloud but long before the current one, so Overwatch and ORTI are in the new cloud but not in the old.
Most recent episode: https://steemit.com/gaming/@birchmark/hammond-october-november-overwatch-road-to-improvement-orti
Overall my new cloud appears to show my content developing to be more diverse and also evolving, and I'm happy with how it has progressed to this point.
If you want to check out your own Steem Word Cloud you can try it here: http://www.steemreports.com/steem-word-clouds/?account=
Thank you for reading!
Birchmark Website / Portfolio: http://birchmark.com.au/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BirchmarkAu
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Birchmark/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Birchmark_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/birchmark/
Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/birchmark?asc=u
Threadless: https://birchmark.threadless.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/3ZZbbBs
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Posted using Partiko.App
Yes I have and I'm right thanks. Waiting until I get on the PC is fine for now, plus real time notifications are bad for me, my focus and my productivity.
I'm sure your app suits some people, but it's not the right choice for me at this moment, thanks.
Also while you might have a good app that works well for some people (and obviously some people are enjoying it because I've seen "Posted using Partiko" on people's posts) spamming isn't the best way to get more people and since spamming is rude, it might even discourage some people from checking out your app.