Top 30 SP holders & Power down - Who is powering down and how big are the payments?, I thought to take the challenge of automating such a table with real-time numbers.After running into a post from @igster entitled
I am proud to present to you today This tool displays the Top 50 whales and a variety of metrics.
Which whales are powering down?
Who is getting their money out? And how fat is it really? SteemDown will give you -
- Steem
- Steem Power
- Steem Dollars
- Estimated Value
- Single Vote
- Withdrawing?
- Withdraw Time
- Withdraw Amount
Take a look to see how it works:
As you can see, the STEEM price is taken from Poloniex and used to calculate what the whales are getting. The ones with a pending withdrawal will be highlighted in light blue.
Now you can see how many of the big players are really in the game!
Kudos to @ned and @dan for staying!
Tools Used
- steemjs by @pharesim
- by @xeroc
- Moment.js
- Bootstrap
- Font Awesome
- Google Fonts
- jQuery
- Amazon Web Services
- Poloniex API
#steem #steemit #steemdown #steemapps #whales #steempoweredfreedom #realtime #blockchain #cryptocurrency #steemtools #appsforsteem
Visit Now!
Thanks! And Enjoy. Feedback is always welcome.
HELLO, FRIENDP.S. Feel free to check out and upvote my #introduceyourself post:
This might be the future of all corporations imagine if you could see exactly when the CEOs of major corporations were selling. Thanks for building.
@dennygalindo For publicly traded companies at least, the CEO and other key people are required to file a notice with the SEC and publish it explaining when they will be selling and how much. This has if I recall correctly, a 90 day in advance window attached to it.
Not doing this is called insider trading and could also run afoul of sarbanes oxley.
Cool tool though! I upvoted!
In equities it is after the fact though, this is before the action occurs. Much better to get word 7 days before than after.
7 days of public shaming! Lol
Does this mean this site gonna get be called out by Feds or other governmental agency?
JUST KEEP SWIMMING, JUST KEEP SWIMMING!Haha, let's hope not =D I am but a humble developer =O ... and #minnow!
swimming, swimming, swimming

All those poor fishes!! Just... eaten alive! =O
Thank you for upvoting, @williambanks. Huge fan of your work like #steembots and #payitforward! Cheers!
even mine ! :)@bitcoiner Thanks, I really appreciate the props like that. Comments like that make it all worthwhile. BTW feel free to play #payitforward All you do is add the tag to the beginning of your post then find any other blog with that tag and cross post,
I think it's the most powerful tool we minnows can build on right now.
Yes, the blockchain gives total transparency! And as an aside, this was what TheDAO was aiming for. Too bad of its fate though. Anyway, you're welcome!
For your next version you should add a feature that calculates power down dilution for next 7 days. It should calc power down percent of total steem. ( ideally you would also incorporate the natural steem inflation also but just power down supply % of total would be helpful.
Thanks! I'll take this into consideration!
Why does it matter?
transparency! curiosity!
The talent of people like you, @roelandp, and @mauricemikkers just blows my mind. Thank you.
Thank you! BTW congrats on your refund from @coinbase! I'm following you from now on haha. I really must give a shoutout to @roelandp for #steemtools and others, and for @mauricemikkers which in SteemDown I linked to his #steemdollars upvote calculator. All the developers here on Steemit are such great people! Though I'm not as famous as they are haha
Wow I didn't realise I'd been refunded! Thanks for the heads up. Good ol' Ned.
No problem! Yea Ned is cool
The steemit account seems to primarily be supplying the steem account with funds for new user account creations, and is also sending STEEM to @blocktrades (presumably in exchange for the BTC they collect) to support the on-site Powering Up and STEEM purchases.
Thank you!
Speechless! Oh and as an aside, I found out that @ben has only posted once ever, and it's on here haha.
Same, this implies quite a bit about the wealth distribution argument. This is a 100% power-down, no votes, meaning no redistribution.
There could be a valid reason as to why this is being done. But why the primary stakeholder will have zero stake in less than two years. IMHO this does not imply a long-term vested interest, and unfortunately brings merit to the "P" argument.
Looking forward to some kind of discussion about this.
The way I understand it, for every unit of wealth generated as rewards (author, curation, witness, etc), 9 units are generated and distributed to SP holders (mostly whales).
So it seems like whales powering down and giving away (hah) or selling their tokens is pretty much the only way to make a difference in wealth distribution. But I have a feeling the noble goal of redistribution is not the reason they're powering down...:)
Yes, this is one discussion that needs to be had!
Ben is a Steemit employee I believe, and they have some kind of arrangement with Steemit funded accounts from way before STEEM tokens were traded.
This can help predict the price of STEEM by analyzing the supply side of the market.
Bingo. It also tells you when you can power down. We do need to tally all power down to see what percent of supply it is though( see post above)
Great work!
If we can see the total accumulated withdraw amount per account on a given period, it will be really insightful.
Noted. Thank you!
I posted your site on Korean community forum as well.
any chance you can make a row at the bottom that is the sum of all powerdowns within next 24hrs?
I was about to do this manually. Definitely would be a nice feature to see. Also, people should keep in mind, a Power Down does not a guarantee a cash out. I'm reminded of a post of mine which noticed Ned was about to get a huge payout with his power down and after 7 days, right before payout, he cancelled it. Maybe a nice feature would be to show when the previous successful cash out was for that account. That might give an indicator for how strong the power down signal is.
Thanks! On my todo list!
I second that, and then, do you plan adding powerups maybe? I think it is the powerup / powerdown balance that is mostly interesting, i.e. whether the network as a whole grows or shrinks in terms of power
This would be interesting to see. I'll see what I can do
Thank you for your hard work! Placed on Russian here:
thank you for bringing it to the masses!
These analytical websites are a good indicator of a healthy community. The more the better.
This type of stuff is key to moving up developer rankings at coin gecko.
Ahh, just checked out CoinGecko. I've always been using CoinMarketCap but CoinGecko might be better!
Great idea, we need to be aware of those who do not believe in the project!
This is a great tool for traders like me
Glad it's helpful for you! I'm a trader as well. Hopefully poloniex doesn't go cryptsy or gox. Haha
Can you also make a site to show whales/accounts who are powering up?
How did you do this? Next post should be how to make steemit add on website.
Yup! I am a web developer. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll definitely consider it!
Nice website did you make this site yourself?
Yes! Took me the whole weekend. Sleep deprived now lol. Have to head to work...
I tried to highlight it again to get you some more votes. I am not sure if it worked though.
Looks like my highlight post have you a much deserved second wind.
Much appreciated, friend!
Nice job @bitcoiner... Bookmarked!!
Glad you liked it! I like your username haha.
This is a great insight, great tool !!
Thank you!
Great info. Thanks.
That is some impressive work.
This is very helpful site. These kind of softwares/sites make Steemit helpful and more trustful. More open the better Steemit! Thanks for making it! :)
And thank you for checking it out!
This tool is awesome!
Thank you, @teamsteem! Though it is not getting the reach I was hoping for. All steemians should be aware of what the whales are doing. Mind doing a post about this tool? ;)
I think it might have to do about not behind the best publicity for Steem. I'll think about a way to help you! I'll market your article for a start!
I appreciate it, @teamsteem! Thank you!
Another tool for ya!
Investments no, "whales" withdrawn funds ... Steemid waiting for demise?
we just have to wait and see
Great idea and domain, thanks for doing this :)
I started personally powering down what i made from #steemviz v1, but im seriously considering investing more as my posts seem to be near invisible now ..
Wow! A fellow steemian dev here! Thanks for stopping by. =D And congrats on steemviz!
Good work.
I'd like to ask for some more stats:
Thanks! And I'll see what I can do
Good work, really useful, indeed!
Thank you, @good-karma!
Does anyone actually know who controls the @steemit account?
There are a lot of non-sketchy reasons I could think of for them powering down.
There are also a lot of sketchy reasons.....
probably steemit, inc?
good job
Sorry I missed this. This is interesting information will check the page out. I think we will see more whales power down as the prices of STEEM rise more. It makes sense to diversify your holdings whether you are a whale or a minnow.
I have seen a lot of concern about whales powering down in the past. Is it naive of me to not think of it as a bad thing? With the recent introduction of our latest two big catches DollarVigalante and Playboy girl.... There's going to be sign ups a lot. Steem needs to be out there and available. Is it going to drive the price down? Yes, absolutely.... But honestly working hard for $150 post that took a few hours would still be amazing to most. Time will tell, but I think the bumpy road will continue and eventually build something strong
@bicoiner, really neat! Could you perhaps add more than just top 50, and also the sum and compare it with the total market cap of STEEM? That will give an indication of what will happen to the price if nobody buys more.
I like the efficiency of steemit ecosystem! Come up with an idea and there's someone ready to work it out for everyone to use, thank you for this work. Just stumbled on it myself.
Looks like they found it in China
Wow! Looks like they did! Great job catching it haha
Thank you for sharing!
Great and cool tool. Many thanks.
luar biasa informasinya berguna sekali bagi kami sebagai pemula good luck
Pretty cool. is @ben on there?
Hello I am an artist from South Africa, I have been making digital art for 3 years every day, I am trying out Steemit and would really appreciate your support with a Upvote or even a follow. have a super day @debart
Is it now broken? It's been loading forever. Great looking site. Hope I'm not to late to see.
feel free to upvote my posts cause I am awesome. For 2 million sp, fuck it, I will even suck your dick.
hey well now that you just powered up 2 million steempower i have a feeling youre ready to invest a little more, and I predict your 2 million SPO will go from being worth around $600k to being worth over $10 million dollars in next few years.
I just made a Post celebrating your 2 million steem power up :D
Youd put me on trending with an upvote to test out that marvelous new steempower :D Placing me on an auto upvote service would lift my spirits so high I would be creating so much steem propaganda id single handedly push the price back to $1 :D Its a win win win bro :D
Wow, the power up will give people reasons to stay and keep to rebuild their confidence on Steem.
@ben you did great
Please make use of your SP to support good content and witnesses. You can make a big difference. We need some whales to counter the vote selling business.
^ Please, this.
In the words of Uncle Ben:
Or with great stake comes great responsibility to preserve the value of that stake. This stands in contrast to users seeking more stake in a manner that devalues that very stake. Yes, I'm talking about vote selling.
Perhaps, @ben will be the one to usher in a new era on this platform bringing back proof-of-brain and banishing the squirrely bots to the nether realm where they belong.
I know 2 Mil SP would hardly be enough to do it on its own but a stake like that could likely generate a lot of momentum from other accounts ( a "Follow the leader" effect).
If Ben starts flagging excessive vote buyers, I'm sure plenty others would be glad to follow suite. Hell, I know I would. I would even try to raise funds for the man using my signature methods.
Hey, a fella can dream! 😛
It would be great to have some whales doing this. Fish of all sizes benefit from a rising tide and the current trajectory could lead to a drought.
this guy is 'themarkymark's attack dog . his job is to silence 'marky's victims . what a disgusting creature
Charming. What did I do to upset you? I'm just a humble Steemian who cares about building the platform. It looks like you made the wrong enemies.
It's what happens when you are talking to an alt.
You flatter me and I didn't ask for anything for myself. I don't have enough power to do much at all. I just give a shit about making Steem better. Flagging is not censorship.
I have nothing to hide. Who are these 'good people' I've flagged?
The irony is that I would support some of the stuff you post about (only some), but you have trashed your account by fighting the wrong battles.
If you are sending the FBI around can it be this agent?
And, a little !popcorn for the slow kids entertainment.@smidge-tv is a worthless piece of shit who does nothing by make empty threats like a little fucking pussy.
And, a little !popcorn for the slow kids entertainment.@smidge-tv is a worthless piece of shit who does nothing by make empty threats like a little fucking pussy.
And, a little !popcorn for the slow kids entertainment.@smidge-tv is a worthless piece of shit who does nothing by make empty threats like a little fucking pussy.
@ben is not liking your website, didn't voted up! whales don't like to get watched.
oh right, it's understandable haha!
Wow you have lots of Steem
I'm no mathematician but this makes you a millionaire ?
Wow! It is @ben here, one of the top on the chart! I am very honored to be showing you relevant data on my creation. 20% is a very large value for you, and I would agree on not taking too much risk. Cheers!
JAh love <3🌲🌹🐣🐤💥💣💜💛💚💙
Get down with the kick down ain't gotta be a baller to spare a dollar @calebotamus good times 💕💙💚💛
I think all they would really need is one neuron, half firing.
Ooooohh, @blueorgy is here too! Huge fan of your #steemapp catchawhale. Though it would seem I've only caught @ben and some minnows and dolphins haha. Imagine if @berniesanders saw this. =O
But the reality of holding that Steem is that now you don't have the resources to keep the value of Steem high through buying. But I respect your plan whatever it is.@ben You currently have over 100 years worth of 50 Steem for each day. Are you looking to provide your posterity with this stuff? I'm not sure I understand your life planning. People like me would be thrilled to live on 5 Steem a day or less. Do you plan to hire people to make Steem better, because you want it to be better; for the sake of the human race? If that is the case, I respect you that much more.
Sorry I said this...
That was nice to read! Have fun @ben!
@Ben = Peercoin Ben, or a different Ben?
Hey @ben, did not know how to reach out to you, so using this comment. Sincere apologies for spam, I wanted you to have a look at one of my Original Sci-Fi Graphic Novel released exclusively on Steemit
With original content I believe we can push Steemit across mainstream and help maintain a very stable and healthy economy for very long term as well. Please share and support the comic if you like it. Took a lot of effort to create it and apologies again for bombarding like this :)
How simple is dog's life and happiness, @higomex?
Wow. That's ... a lot. I'd ask why you have so much in Steem Power but I'm not in your shoes and probably can't see your perspective. Clearly, you are powering down now; how far have you gotten?
That's logical. Probably, transfers like this get people's attention and some people may have somewhat of a hard time seeing a huge chunk of wealth moving and trying not to feel wishful to possess it themselves & then they write about it or otherwise involve themselves when it might be considered polite to not discuss it. Also, there's probably just some attention-seeking, which many of us do from time to time. I'm glad for you that you're doing your thing and it's working out good. It provides you opportunity to do more good in other endeavors as well. Cheers.
Hi ben... are you
I think all the tags scared him off for good.
I don't know if you ever check but I have to try - - - Sorry to be off topic, but as you are a really big whale, (not even a minnow here) A Friend could use some whale help.
Please Help - - - no ONE person should be able to dictate how much a person earns on post. And I apologize for using this method to contact you.
You chose wisely!
I believe in Steem, too, Ben. I'm the author of 7 books and fairly new. Here's an introduction of sorts: Cheers, Yahia
hi @ben,,, I see your account has been out of action for a long time.
Agree. Fair
Did you lose your account key?
If you're still around...
You said "I don't want to bet more than 20% of my net worth on it", but "Over 90% of my personal net worth is in Steem on this account."
Turns out you should have listened to your gut. Your 1.5 million STEEM lost 99% of its purchasing power. Ouch :(