your statistic quote strange, it looks like you didn't shift it after hf, you showing something there that makes no sense in modern reality, in another hand have a steady development and the token worth more than tokens cyberscamm+golosio combined. Also, they HAVE liquidity at the markets it trades, I don't know why you talking that it has no value. It sims like your not tracking the progress and making false accusations based on your own very strange statistic that trace the trading from bittrex that didn't work at least for a year
If the shitposting is a definition of "alive" for you it's truly sad, but we don't need shitposters activity on our platform and will continue to fight this, simple as that.
My comment about liquidity and value is not based on my financial post, but on my personal experience with exchanges.
Even if it is correct to say that the classic-GOLOS token value worth more than cyberway-GOLOS, true liquidity is not there too. Without even mentioning the fact that there is no exchange(s) referenced on coinmarketcap for the classic-GOLOS token, which doesn't help.
This said you are partially right: I do not use Bittrex but I was indeed tracking the wrong token, something I need to fix.
Anyway, the stats published on (and linked into my comment) is reflecting the exact activity of the "golos classic" blockchain, not the activity of the golos smart-contract on the Cyberway blockchain.
While I truly admire the work you are doing on golos classic (great ideas and a truly decentralized development supported by community devs!), we have to admit that user retention and growth are not there.
You're right again when stating shitposting doesn't really make a platform alive. And looking at my last stats (no new user registration, except on 2020-02-01, post and comments going down a few hundred per day, number of transactions on the network following the same path, ...), I do not see more signs of healthy activity.
Of course, all of that doesn't mean that Cyberway is doing better.
I really don't think I'm making false accusations. I enjoyed so much the old good time when I was fully invested in the Golos project. I only note, with sadness, something that seems obvious: these projects are not at their best.