
No deception, just perception.......and strangely the latter can be more powerful, it's a behavioral psychology thing.

Look at it this way, many benefits come out of this:

  1. Bernie illustrate the point of bot vote abuse

  2. Some will get to practice downvoting the abuse (And Yes, get upvoted by Bernie for downvoting his post....nice right? :D )

  3. Some will get to practice upvoting the deeper meaning and value of the lesson learnt.

  4. We get greater participation from bigger VP holders....someday you may have to play a greater role here too, we haven't yet have 1 big nefarious entity with >1MVest disrupting Steem, but when that days comes We Will Need Greater Participation

  5. We all get some laughs See point #5 of my reply to @trafalgar to cheer him and everyone up

Thank you for showing up, replying, downvoting, and giving more details....This is the Spirit of Steem.