The trolls are proving to be pretty feisty during this crypto crash. None of their technical analysis worked so I'm getting a lot of action on one of my videos of people telling me I don't know what I'm talking about.
Crypto is pretty unpredictable in the short term and the majority of chart analysis don't really work especially when Mt. Gox comes back to haunt us and dumps a shit ton of coins and financially destroys millions of crypto n00bs. Or maybe Bitconnect collapsing......... oh wait...... a lot of us predicted that.
Hopefully the crypto punishment will be fast this time around. We don't need another 2015 cool off period. It was TERRIBLE!
Here is a video I made 3 weeks ago about this crash that could provide some insight. The biggest thing I worry about people panicking in this market is that people are really leveraged out and eventually if the pain goes on long enough they are forced to sell.
Earn $10 Of Free Bitcoin From Brian Phobos!
Thank you for reading my post and please consider following me @brianphobos
Dude, How do you manage to not have your Steemit username on your video descriptions?
Almost missed that upvote. Good job on that debunking TA video!
Well Initially I figured that everyone could find me because I'm @brianphobos on every platform but I think a lot of people want to be able to click on it.
Thanks! I think the Technical Analysis video is suddenly getting served up again on YouTube oddly enough because I'm getting recent comment activity on it. Now that people are getting crushed they are probably questioning some of the YouTubers they have been listening to. Hahah
I like this video. So much good said. Where newbies can learn. But probably the best yous said is
Timing is everything
Unless one understands how important is the timing (a proper and right timing) - his chances for success is misarable.
I step into cryptos in 2011, and know now that nothing teach you better than your own losses
Yeah, the timing is so key in investing
Thank you making his video. It really put a lot of things into perspective for me! It’s also interesting to have a look back at older insidents where the price was falling. I a getting nervous about my hodling tactics again... never ending story..
The HODL game can get extremely brutal during these times for sure. Even with STEEM the price shot up to $8.57 and then came back down so fast that it would have been hard for anyone who wasn't in liquid STEEM to really take advantage of any of that.
It is almost like a person has to have a large amount of capital to keep committing to crypto during these times and we have no idea when the next surge will be. I feel like we aren't going to be waiting as long as we were after the 2013/2014 bust but I don't know that. Also I have varying thoughts if the stock market or housing market has a harsh pull back. I used to think that would really make crypto surge but people are leveraged out so far in the United States and other places of the world that digital coins could be the first thing being sold if there is a recession. Or people might seek shelter in it like they gravitate to Gold and Silver. It is really hard saying.
All I know is the rocket will fly again.... but who knows how low it goes and when that happens.
I won't mind a cool off period maybe 2018 can be the year were tech is built , I am so tired of hypes..
Maybe LN will finally be mass ready this year
The issues is we have been really talking about a lot of this stuff for the last 4 years. LN was proposed in early 2014 and it still isn't operational. I really hope some of the tech can get built out but even some of these ICOs that raised tens of millions aren't producing new tech necessarily. There is still hope though.
These dudes acting like little kids because they lost a few bucks on the internet. LOL
Hey internet troll, get a job.
How was your snow trip? I was getting a kick out of your update posts with the snowmobile.
It was good. That was just a one day thing when I was up there. Now it is starting to heat up here in Tucson.
the best way to deal with them is to ignore them, since they have nothing interesting in their lives just seek attention
You're right. I usually do but sometimes it pops up in my face and I bite back or ultimately tell them I love them. LOL
I remember when Bitcoin crashed from $32 to like $4 and everyone screamed it was over. Then $250 to like $100. Trolls were out back then too!! Ignore the nonsense. The crowd is going to do what they do. I focus on the endgame.
So well said. It's all in my (head) memmories.
Thank you Brian. Good stuff. You know you're doing something right when you have assholes like that guy talking shit like that LOL
Yeah , it gets pretty crazy sometimes and all the comments on YouTube can be annoying for sure
haha love your responses. Fortunately I don't get too much trolling on Youtube but when I do I just respond to non-sense with nonsense and will respond with something like kidney whiskers or banana farts.
It's funny most of the time it's clear these trolls didn't even watch the video
A lot of times I will also get a ton of remarks of people telling me how something is and it was something I explained in the video. Like they watch 1 minute and then start telling me how something works that is explained later. It is annoying
It's like catching falling knives, when do you think we will get ETH or some other coin at number one spot? Also when do you expect USDT to collapse?
It is a good question. We don't actually know what the max supply of ETH is but. If I had to guess I would say during 2018 sometime but maybe EOS will take part of the thunder and Eth and EOs will be battling it out in a way and neither take the top spot soon
Trolls/haters are jealous of us and that's why they hate. In the end it will get them nowhere.
Damn I didn't know you were the one that sold tens of thousands of bitcoin into the slide down!
Troll: You sure you know what you talking about?
Brian: You sure you know what you talking about?
Troll: That's some BS right there!
Brian: That's some BS right there!
Soon they'll get tired and you'll have the last laughTrust me the best reply to a troll is silence. But you could have fun and have a good laugh at them when they troll you. Have you tried repeating whatever a troll tells you? My friend @Kay1 told me about it and I found out It's a really nice therapy that works fine. Like
For me its just about being lucky and not chasing what the crowd is.
Funny how people don't pay attention to warnings and end up blaming others for their downfall.... Lmao....
That "I love you" response got me cracked up... Like seriously?
Someone talking shitz about you and out of know where, he sees I love you response....
What an interesting way of throwing him off guard ....
How I wish ETH will hit number 1 on the chart
I was playing Overwatch just now and pretty much trolled my entire team by sucking lol