STEEM Will Continue To Benefit From YouTube's Mistakes

in #steem7 years ago

I have been on YouTube since 2008 and have other channels that are monetized. I don't have any strikes against any of my channels and as you can see at the top of the screenshot I'm "Partner Verified." I applied for monetization on this channel almost a month ago. I had met all the criteria and I'm still waiting. I almost have 2,000 subscribers on that channel. There shouldn't be an issue.

When you click on Learn More it says, "We'll email you a decision, usually within a week.
Applications for the YouTube Partner Program are taking longer than normal to process. We hope to be able to review these applications soon. Thank you for your patience in the meantime."

I almost don't expect to hear from them anytime soon. So many people have gotten their channels demonitized and they seemingly aren't letting new people in at a very fast rate.

I like the YouTube platform and there is a good community out there but the Adpocolypse is continuing on. I want to get to 500,000 subscribers by the end of 2008 on this channel but it gets frustrating if I can't monitize it with the ads.

I believe that STEEM will be a honey badger taking a bite out of Facebook, YouTube, Instagram......etc. The smartest thing those companies could do is launch their own Crypto Currencies to do the same thing. They probably won't anytime soon though.

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Thank you for reading my post and please consider following me @brianphobos


I am waiting to monetize my youtube channel as well. They are dropping the ball for me too. I got my 10k views at the end of November, and youtube still hasn't got back to me yet. Same message. In the mean time, my steemit account is worth $3,000.00 BOOM! LOL

Wow, that sucks that it is happening to you as well. It is ridiculous because I see so many crap channels on there that are all stolen content.....etc and they will be monetized and guys like us can't get approved. You would think it would be an automated process on an account like mine where I already have verified Adsense account attached to other channels.

Hey cap, same here

@brianphobos hey thanks for the Steem tip brother! I wish you well for 2018 and being a really cool dude on here!

Your welcome man! I did the screencast and I wanted to show everyone that there were fast and free transfers on the STEEM blockchain on top of everything else that is going on here!

Yes, steem is a honey badger at the moment. The larger companies are going to have to get there act together or steem takeover. The honey badger doesn't care.

Yeah! those sites are not generous enough, that's why Steemit will soon get thier butt off the golden seat this year (2018). I'm happy i'm a steemian.

Yeah they are going to have a serious competition from these crypto currency driven platforms.

That's a certainty bro, with the huge help steemit have offered us, all i think we do is to be dilligent and be honest with this platform, though that's not enough for a life changer platform, cant just hide my feelings.....I LOVE STEEMIT...Lol

I woudln't say they aren't generous enough, its just when you play in someone else's house you have to play by their rules regardless of how stupid they may be

YouTube has a lot of time and after its failures many platforms are jumping on the air. I think that Viuly is the future of youtube is the youtube of cryptocurrencies. Beware if it does not beat YouTube. I hope we continue reading, Greetings from Venezuela

Viuly sounds interesting. I really hope there are several of these types of platforms so we can earn on all of them.

Lol, these men like money.....keep me updated, happy to know you guys. Cheers!

YouTube is victimizing its users. they do not respect their labor :( @brianphobos

It is a tough business with all their expenses but in a way they are abusing their content creators who have put in so much work.

We hope Steemit keep this up, maybe in the future we are still recognised, and be proud of this outstanding platform....Although my trust lie in STEEMIT, they will be better in the coming years. I LOVE STEEMIT

I agree with you on this. Of all the social platforms, that was the only one I had hope for. Instagram/Facebook did such a beautiful job ruining a good thing. And then...I learned about Steemit and I'm hooked on just day one.

I have made way more money from Steemit than I have with YouTube. I think Steemit's user base will become even more interactive and not so focused on making money but consuming/supporting content. This platform just makes more sense. With what is happening with YouTube, it's almost as if they want to fail so that Steemit and DTube can replace them lol.

Hahhaha, Yeah it does seem like they want to fail in some respects. I think that Google figured that platform would turn a profit way sooner but it is been over 10 years and they aren't getting the return they expected plus it would be extremely expensive to keep running all those computers to support the network.

Man... That's why Steem is so genius! Let's gooooo!

I'm personally still doing WAY better on Youtube but still plugging away here as well and the recent rise in Steem price and SBD is great as well. I plan on continuing to post on both platforms. Once frustrating thing I'm seeing on Youtube is every single crypto video I make is demonetized

Johnny, there are accounts that are designated to discover talented users. One of them is named "curie." They have guidelines as to how to be qualified for an upvote from them:

You were the one that got me into crypto and steemit. Thank you. I have been having success on Steemit. A few of my posts have generated $60-$70 recently and one even generated $153. By I received even more because I accumulated over $100 SBD that I sold between $4-13 and quickly made over $1000. All of them were upvoted by accounts like curie and hendrickdegrote. I mainly post content about travelling in China. Also, people can submit your posts to them and they can consider upvoting them. So for example if you post something I think is upvote worthy for whales, I can submit it to curie and if they upvote it, I will get rewarded with like 15 Steem or something. Read their guidelines. They do not upvote content related to Steemit. They want original content. You can even check out that link and browse through the posts they have upvoted so you can get an idea. I hope this helps you man. This is a platform I'm feeling more and more passionate about. I think it will help me live an independent life.

Hey @kenanqhd thanks for the info buddy I'm gonna check that out today. Congrats on the Steemit success that's awesome your killing it man. Again really appreciate the tip gonna look into that today for sure.

@dtube is open for the taking. It's seems to be running reasonable well at the moment. I can only image what it will look like with a native SMT and a few 100 grand a month flowing thru it.

Yeah it will be interesting when they have a native token. It keeps improving for sure. The one thing I do like on YouTube though is the ability to upload higher quality content. 4K....etc

youtube vs steemit.....

follow done✌

its time to win for steemit @brianphobos

yeah the monetization on youtube is very funny, I joined steemit just 7 months ago and already earned about $1000 the total, but I am on youtube for two years waiting to hit the $100 to withdraw and still have $70 there, so I think I will get my $100 in one year maybe :) lol !

Plus some people told me that youtube may not pay you at all because I advertised my video in one exchange views website, so I will see, but I love steemit, it's really the best social ever made !

yeah I remember back in the day it took me awhile to start getting payouts. I get consistent payouts from my other channels which is so weird why it isn't a quick approval on this channel. You would think it would be automated unless someone had strikes against them.

Youtube is going down it appears, they've made too many changes to payment that disregard their main workers (content creators). The upcoming technology on the blockchain will be more than enough to take them down in the next few years imo

Yeah the content creators aren't very happy. People have put in a lot of work and everything has changed now.

dtube is super cool but has some flaws. One being really slow at times and others i can't think of. Even though it is hosted by ipfs it payed in some what centralized manner. And i think we should have a ad banner rotator funded by burning sbd/steem helping increase sbd/steem prices

I kind of feel like they should put ads on Steemit and use that revenue to buy STEEM and put in peoples accounts proportional to how their post did. So we would be building faster and get an additional stream of income.

Naw i disagree. Using outside revenue is bad in my opinion. They can do an ad banner rotator but use the idea of the promoted tab of more burn coins the more exposure you have. Just my thinking :)

Wow that ia really weird. I am leaving youtube way way behind and will be creating original content for Dtube. 😃

Sorry to hear that your channel doesn't get monetized... Let me know when they reply. Good luck!

I recently started a new Youtube Channel, finally got my 10,000 views and have been waiting for a while to get monetization turned on. I'm doing some affiliate stuff so monetizing it on my own as well but every little bit helps.

Another thing I've noticed in regards to my normal channel RulesForRebels, almost every video I do about crypto is initially demonetized. What sucks is you can't appeal it til you get to 1,000 views which may not seem that bad but with my CPM that could be anywhere from $15 to $25 that I'm missing out on. Also sometimes by the time they review and okay my vids for advertising I've hit like 12k views and lost out on well over $100 in revenue since videos tend to get the most views and do best when initially posted and I miss out on that entire time. It's like every single time, you'd think after winning a few they'd start giving me the benefit of the doubt.

Holly crap!! $15 to $25 CPM!!! That is insane! It is only that high on Crypto related stuff or is it that high when you talk about Amazon as well?

On my Channel one specific video that went viral makes up the bulk of my earnings but I do pretty well on Amazon and Private Label videos. I also noticed investing related stuff does well ie I did a review on my experience with lending club.

The crypto stuff up until recently hasn't made a ton of money in the past but as popularity grows I think we have more advertisers and due to that they are bidding higher.

Alot of times we hear CPM is $1 or $2. That's true of very vague channels or chanels that don't really cater to advertising so things like prank channels or challenge channels are really popular and people will advertise on there more for brand awareness like a crapload of people are here we'll advertise, however it's not as targeted as say a appliance parts supply store advertising on my video about how to fix a dryer belt.

I heard a funny story about a huge Youtuber who's been in movies, been in magazines and was working at a restaurant for some movie premier opening. Someone went up to her and asked her if it was a gag for a Youtube video and she said no she's a waitress because Youtube doesn't pay the bills and this is someone who's internet famous on a big scale apparently...

I saw a video by either Tanner Fox or Dan Dasilva recently and while I don't always know what to believe the numbers he was throwing out there after doing some rough math was equating to like $40 CPM

One of my channels makes $0.75 CPM and the other one makes $2 CPM.
Dude, if it was that Tanner J Fox guy he makes up all kinds of stuff. Or maybe you are talking about the scrawny Tanner Fox

I'm confused are there two tanner foxs? Your right it was Tanner J Fox. I was watching his altcoin video today and he's talking about he bought 150K of Stellar, he bought 100K of this coin, another 100K of that coin, I finally just had to turn it off. It was basically a video just to make Binance referrals, I can't hate on him there I love the Binance referral program, I'm stacking coins with it as well but at least be honest and provide some value throwing around big numbers of things you've already done and didn't bother cueing anyone else into prior to making these claims really isn't providing any value and if you got a half mill to throw at small obscure cryptos you probably don't need to be using Binance referrals.

Yeah there is like an 17 year old kid named Tanner Fox that does Vlogs and got super popular on YouTube....etc.

I'm like you and I don't want to hate on people or sound like a hater which I've been called a hater a million times on my Trevon James video. LOL

But that Tanner J Fox does kind of tick me off because I really do think his back story and the numbers he says is total BS and his followers all believe his stuff.

I know this sounds like total conspiracy related....etc but even before he started talking about crypto he use to click bait the channel with him standing beside cars in show rooms and in parking lots and he always acted like he had all these trucks and cars. Then when people would ask about them he would say that he sold certain vehicles.....etc. I have a feeling the Lambo Hurican he has now is on like partial ownership / lease with some other people or something which would be smart from a marketing perspective....etc.

A lot of times he will say that he purchased large amounts of stuff....etc. He also was saying he did a $100,000 Bitconnect loan and also purchased like $100,000 Bitcoin but then never showed any of it and then said he got hacked....etc.

A lot of the stuff he says about Amazon and his income coming in I feel is BS. Honestly I think it is all a show but he is doing good getting his followers believing he is a big baller.

He might be able to pull off the Tai Lopez and then suddenly become a big baller by acting like a big baller first. I feel like Tanner is being more deceiving though with it because the numbers he throws out are totally made up in my opinion....... but in the end who knows.

Yeah it's kind of frustrating to me that being genuine and real with people doesn't tend to get you as far as being more of a showman, but I'd just prefer to be real.

Obviously in my niche people want to hear it's easy, people want to hear there's a magical formula hence why every affiliate product is make $5,000 per day in 10 minutes, because people will bite on that more than they will bite on "if your willing to put in hours per day for 6 months with no results, this will eventually pay off".

That said I do have people tell me they appreciate that I'm a real guy and more relatable so at the end of the day I should just be very appreciative I have a great and supportive audience. I realize there's channels much better than mine in terms of production value and stuff with less subs so I really have to try to step up my game and plan on doing so in 2018, I have this obsession with hitting 100k subs and getting that silver play button lol not sure why but I do

Dtube is finally working on Safari too and BitChute worked even better before that but not much HD videos... I wonder if seeding your own videos over bittorrent or IPFS say from a NAS made sense...?