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RE: The Great Steemit Debate: Tone Vays vs. Jeff Berwick "Ponzi Scheme or Paradigm Shift?"

in #steem8 years ago

Sorry @karenb54 this world unfortunately is not that fair. I see your point, but once you are popular here you end up making money. The other way around if you are not, you will have to find a way to get the attention of users via great content.

To be fair @follarvigilante has put up great content so far, so while many just upvote anything he posts, there is also a good reason why he has so many followers.


I totally understand that and congratulate him on how well he has done but we don't need to be told how well he is doing we can see that by his numbers, I'm not that petty to be jealous of how well he has done I'm trying to make a point How are we as in all the people members posting and not getting one single read to compete with this, Don't just read the trending and popular posts give the new posts a go too, lets get more people up there making money not just the same ones over and over