I agree with @cryptofiend about the investment side of this question.
However, there are very important points that need to be made.
Your son will probably not go to college. College is dead.
Youtube has most college course beat, hands down. And many of the ACTUAL college courses are now on-line. But the time your son gets to the age of 18, there will be no benefit to going to college. The degrees are worthless, and the classes are over-priced, and lacking in quality.
Second, your savings account won't be around in 13 years. The govern-cement is planning to bail-in all retirement accounts. They will give you an IOU, and won't be there to pay on it. That is along with The US$ going into hyperinflation. The amount you are saving now is not even keeping up with the rate at which college tuitions are going up. There is a good chance that your money will not be there, or will be completely useless by the time your child is 18.