It seemed like just yesterday that STEEM, the cryptocurrency of the Steemit network, was chasing the $3 level. Now, it's well under two bucks, which has a lot of investors scratching their heads. Some heavily vested STEEM buyers may be tempted to panic out.
Rest assured that tens of thousands of people share your pain. As a published technical analyst, I have absolute confidence that what we are seeing in the STEEM -- and the broader cryptocurrency markets -- is a correction, not a collapse.
For specific details, please refer to my STEEM analysis here:
This video goes over my analysis not necessarily to add details, but to provide clarification, reassurance, and a human touch to the STEEM volatility.
If you're feeling blue about investing in Steemit, please watch this video and enjoy! :)
Hey there @bullishmoney ! Enjoyed video !! Thank you for your encouragement!!
For sure, that's what I'm all about...encouragement! And sometimes, yelling at assholes! :)
Chill Pill Infomercial for the Steemit Masses. Stay Calm and Steem On.
Yeah, you can definitely say that! Thank you! :)
Why would you buy, if you can just get steem for blogging, and sell some to take profit?
heres why...
throws @ragestester a dime
Throws a nickel!
People have many reasons for this, but primarily, it's to accelerate their capital earnings potential.
the whole market pulled back.. we'll be ok. STEEM users are growing steady.. Anyone know where/ if we can pull stats on users and posts?
follow me on twitter for more #crypto news, comments, memes, questions, and shittalking...
I've asked the same question before...let me know if you find such stats; I'd love to do some in-depth analysis on it! :) I think this site summarizes most of the stats :)
thanks! Followed!
I get a warning about the website not being configured correctly...I'll check it out later after they've solved their issues, but thank you! :)
Sorry, the site is well and up. There was a typo (:) in it.
Oh sweeeetnesss! This is a data goldmine! I'm unfortunately busy at the moment but I will have to refer back to this later...thank you so much! :)
@me-tarzan is a great one to follow for daily updates on Steemit growth.
Still better than all other social media websites :)

That is weirdly awesome! :)
I'm thinking only positive and not speaking to the negative. So no worries my fellow Steemian, all is calm and quiet on "the western front". Thanks for your considerate words.
I'm the king of consideration, unlike some folks...
Honestly, I want it to go lower so I can buy it, but I realize that is a contrary opinion to people who have a lot. Cheers
Yup, that's true...I posted this video primarily for those that are new to cryptocurrencies and are not necessarily used to seeing 30% selloffs in one day. Just wanted to send a reassuring message! :)
#cryptomasochist ;)
Thanks for informative video
Absolutely...thanks for watching! :)
Bang on @bullishmoney. I hate the term "crash". My portfolio lost approximately 25% during this correction, and I spent this week's budget too early! I'm still willing to bet I end up winning in the long term, (if not within a month the way the crypto-economy moves.)
I also agree with your assesment of STEEM. We are continuously seeing new highs being set in the number of blog posts and other acceptance indicators.
A great source of inspiration and information. And I can strongly recommend following this dedicated Steemian.
Hey! Thanks so much for your kind words's always great to hear from you! I totally spaced out and forgot to do this but I'm following you now, so I'm also looking forward to your materials as well :)
And yes, I also hate the term crash if it actually isn't a crash...I'll use the phrase on STEEM or any asset, but only if it's a legitimate assessment. If not, then such characterizations are lacking intellectual honesty, in my humble opinion.
It takes me half an hour to come up with something that sounds 1/10 as intelligent as that response. Happy for you to be a silent mentor, I know you've got plenty following. But know that I now consider you one. Thanks for getting back to me. It means a lot. I'm trying to follow that lead and reply to all my followers as well. Thank you again
Oh yeah, don't even mention it! More than anything, my ability to communicate effectively comes from an enormous amount of practice. It may seem like I just did this yesterday, but in fact, it's been years of both educational and professional experience.
I would just encourage you and your followers to keep working and fighting for your's this consistency more than any other factor that is the catalyst for our successes! :)
I'm going to lean on my "confirmation bias" and agree with you on this one 😉
That works too, haha! :)
This is typically when we buy. The cold feeling in the pit of the stomach is often a far better buy indicator for me.
Why buy ALL at once?
Why not buy just a third?
1/3rd 33% .333
Take that third and break up into additional thirds to be sold higher and sell them in thirds...
That way you can set your second 1/3rd order to buy lower...
So no matter if the price goes up or the price goes down...
You Win!
thirds rule strategy
Buy in thirds.
Sell in thirds.
Rinse and Repeat!
Very true. Sometimes even more than thirds
Thanks. So you must be an ADVANCED TRADER! ;)
Nice to meet you @throughmyeyes
Haha :) everyone is an advanced trader in a bull market lol. And I you!:)
(fist bump)
That message was for you, in case you didn't know! :)
Check it!
If you know a few whales that use "thirds rule strategy" and they apply this measurement towards their trading/bots.
Now if the sharks and small fishes in the crypto space are keen to this 30% wave riding...
You feel me now?
It flew over my head for a second, but now, I get it! At least, I think I do! :)
Just don't be TOO Greedy!
Thank me later!
Buy in ...
Sell in ...
Rinse and ...
Resteem? :)
Roger! ;)
Thats what i'm talking about... my buying prices are $1-$2. :)
I'm not sure if we'll get to $1, but I wouldn't complain if it did! :)
Of course I want it to go as high as possible, but the little Steem I have comes from writing so it is practically free money, so I feel no nervousness, I guess someone who has put in some good money will feel some nerves. But personally I think and hope it will soon start going up again.
Yup, it will...this is just a corrective cycle, not a "collapse cycle." A few weeks later, people will be regretting that they didn't buy more! :)
most of the cryptos are trading at a crazy high level. Look back to may most are up 100%. I think they could drop to may levels and this wouldn't even be a crash. I wouldn't be surprised if Steem goes to the $.3 level thats what it cost in May!!
30 cents!? Woooaaahhh! I don't know if it would drop that low, but if it did, I'll load up the boat! :)