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My love for steemit is not what I can write home about and it's not because of the money or anything but because of the people i meet on this platform who share like mind in trying to connect and socialize with you not base on their skin colour or the part of the country they are from. Cause I can't image me chatting with people from Pakistan,Colombia,Venezuela and many more and they are just steering that feeling of me wishing to learn different languages I mean is just so beautiful seeing different languages and you just wish you could have an idea of what message they are trying to pass.and it's amazing seeing my own continent and country people trying to connect with to the world.
Aside meeting and making new friends, the second thing I love about this platform is the fact that I get to learn and see new things everyday cause it's an educative platform not just because of the articles we post but the beautiful photos we take. I know it's not going to be a big deal to some people but to people like us who don't get the privilege to tour round cities.
The third thing I love and feel exciting about is the fact that after connecting socializing meeting and making new friends we still get the chance to earn money. And that's the beautiful thing about steemit compare to other social media.
I love steemit and am happy to be part of this big family,I am a proud steemian.
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