Steemit, an Amazing Social Experiment no one Saw Coming!

in #steem8 years ago

Why STEEMIT, this is just the start!

Image of thing i made

I found Steemit the same way we all do, from people and I wanted to share some thoughts on the platform.

Bitcoin, may have been the dominant digital currency that's been making its way into the board room agendas of Fortune 500 companies and into the portfolios of average investors, however it's Steemit that is poised to have a big 2016, and a much brighter future.

Bitcoin is a niche trading instrument, and while bitcoin has garnered significant media attention (more often than not, negative attention) the bitcoin ecosystem has still managed to grow, in that time Steemit as I write this however is now the 3rd larges market cap, accomplished within 2 months.

The longer Steemit stays around the stronger it's bound to succeed. To me, the biggest factors on whether we succeed is our adaptability and acceptance, so far we've done pretty damn well in both the areas. I work for a tech company, and our entire team is here. There's not a single person this hasn't been explained to where you don't see the light bulb go off above their heads. Sure you're killing our productivity and PR's on github are at an all time low, but we love you guys.

The best part, Steemit doesn't just support some "entrepreneurs", it's building a burgeoning community with unlimited potential for growth , services like Steemit provide the capability to utilize bitcoin technology on which it's built, while transforming the social media landscape forever -- and for better.

I never thought Steem Power would ever be a thing we'd see in the 21st century, guess it just takes two guys like @ned and @dantheman to re-invent it.

Steemit is still in its infancy, but that's what makes investing in it promising and why Steem Power Rules. Over the last few years, what hasn't killed bitcoin has made it stronger, it hasn't met us yet though.

Enjoy the Steemit Revolution! and thanks for taking the time to listen to my ramblings


I can't wait to watch this evolve!

Me too. I am excited and overwhelmed at the same time. I think the key will be to invite our friends and family.

^Soundtrack of the post :-)

Great tune, and extremely appropriate

People talk about bitcoin early adopters, well we are the steem early adopters, and someday people will be talking about us. You know when each steem is worth $660 USD like BTC is.

I already feel like the David Choe of Steemit

I love this, great stuff!

I found it on accident and then told my friends about it. I was trying to learn to use and sorted the column for the % of growth of various crypto currencies and STEEM was at the top. I then found it. Immediately told my friends and family. Some took advantage of it. Others have said "Meh!" I told them I was telling them just so they couldn't complain that I didn't tell them later on.

Yah i have one friend like that too. That was till I sent him a screen shot of the trending page with payouts listed below. Suffice to say, he's here now :)

I think I'm proof here, wouldn't be here if it wasn't from the constant, "you have to check this out". Now I can't stop. I'm not an avid poster, so it's not even all about the money. I love to read everyones posts and the community at large.

Well, the question is if it will really get traction by the mainstream regular users who already find a lot of content, generated over the years, at reddit, facebbok etc. People are lazy and don't switch easily when already established at a social medium where all their friends are...

So true, but money speaks. I've already seen the shift in consciousness with co-workers. I now walk past the lab and see the little blue logo on screens all over the office. I think our time is here :)