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RE: Negative Voting and Steem

in #steem8 years ago

This is by far the best explanation of the way the system works (and doesn't work) and how we can fix it. Great work, @dantheman.

"What if instead of down voting a post, you could down vote a voter? When you down vote a voter you nullify their voting power with your own voting power. It is the moral equivalent of casting equal and opposite votes on every post without offending the posters."

I LOVE this concept of downvoting voters. In a world without bots, where we are left to human judgement, the system of creating an equal and opposite reaction to a position we disagree with (or that is obviously manipulative) makes a ton of sense.

Whales currently hold the majority of the influence over the platform, which is great, they deserve it. I don't want to be part of the rebel uprising that stereotypes the 1% as all evil and corrupt (we have too much of that in national politics at the moment and it's a mess). At the same time, having a way for enough little guys to outweigh the big guys opinion restores balance and harmony to the platform.

Ideally, voting would only ever be used to curate good content. Unfortunately, it is often used for gamesmanship and self-interest, which is fine if everyone is equal. But, the unscrupulous whale should definitely be held in check by the will of the people.


A small tip: when you quote somebody just use ">" (and a single space) in front of the quoted text.

Hey thanks for the tip.