
I think because which direction to go is so painfully obvious to anyone familiar with STEEM, it becomes frustrating. Its like saying the same thing a million different ways in an attempt to get through to someone (Tron) who either:
a) simply can't grasp it
b) has an ulterior motive

This. He seemed to either not understand or simply dodged the result that understanding would bring because it was not convenient.

I quit working in the corporate world for many reasons but one was going to work daily and always dealing with this kind of crap. Sitting back and watching all this unfold is like going back in time, for me.

Roy is a business guy. He doesn't understand the coding side very well and just wants to accomplish some goals and keeps saying stuff like "there must be a way to do X without waiting". He's extremely stubborn so it takes like 1 full hour for him to change from point to point.