I used to show up here every single day and find interesting topics to comment on, interact with, and interesting people with whom to communicate. As my journey continues, I find that I'm seeing less topics of interest; as if the whole universe has gone quiet. I know that's lame, but it's just about the only words I have left to describe how I'm feeling.
Could this be a follow problem?
As on other social networks, I tend to follow everyone who follows me out of pure courtesy; after all, if someone is following your content, that obviously means (provided they are not some sort of weird bot account), that they are interested in what you have to say as a person, right? Hence, why wouldn't I follow them back? On the other side of the coin, though, more content I have to wade through. So, it could just seem quiet since I could be missing the stuff I actually care about, perhaps? What are some methods other people on here use to keep track of stuff? just curious; I could be totally off in my strategy, who knows.
Then again, maybe Steem is truthfully different from all the rest, so perhaps the secret is something I've not been privy to, yet? If I'm in the completely wrong direction, let me know. I would be interested in as many comments and as much input as possible on this. `
I think the writing is on the wall, this place has been so poorly managed that people are over it. They can't even script a style without obscuring important information at the top of each page. Then there's all the lies about the bogus SMT's
Looking back you can still see the high water mark where the enthusiasm peaked and people had a half a chance of making a go of this place but's that's rapidly becoming a faded memory.
I busted my arse to engage with people here but this place is outright anti-social, most of my comments are just ignored. I can't do it to myself anymore.
Now it's just a group of rich people giving each other money and everyone else is scrambling for the scraps that slip through their fingers. This place is held together with greed.
that's why I spent more time in the Fediverse than I have here. I love the people over there, and because people are just creating content for the sake of creating content, it seems that more people actually care what each other has to say. I could be way off the Mark here, but somehow I honestly do not think so.
Posted using Partiko Android
I'd never even heard of the Fediverse before, I'm just checking it out now.
Thanks for the heads up!
Any time
Posted using Partiko Android
I was considering making a list of consistently good creators. The idea is to “do the rounds” to check out their feeds. Many times they have posted and scrolled by before I get a chance to see.
The tag thing works too, except that it’s a bit random. For example, Travel might have one-off posts about travel rather than people who typically write about travel.
I haven’t found a perfect solution. I like the list idea because it becomes a paint by number process.
Posted using Partiko iOS
We need a smoother interface, I think. Part of the problem is the majority of them out there or rather slow, and nothing gets seen.
Posted using Partiko Android
You're just following the wrong people.
Posted using Partiko Android
You can try looking through specific tags ordered by when they were created to avoid the bot votes
For example
Thank you for the tip. I was unaware you could do that.
Posted using Partiko Android
Becausecthe emphasis has even more shifted from content and engagement to 'how much free cash can I greedily grab' .
Posted using Partiko Android
That's frankly what I was afraid of. I just didn't want a voice that out loud for fear that it would become true. I guess I was right.
Posted using Partiko Android
Its just gone soooooo quiet!!!!!
I'm glad to know it's nothing I'm doing wrong. though in the midst of all the uninteresting things, it's Emily remarkably difficult to keep up with the actual interesting things.
Posted using Partiko Android
Its definatly not just you! I seem to be just keep finding info on steem and thats useful but boring if one wishes to surf the chain all day, luckily im back working again and out and about!
I'm glad for that. I'm definitely going stay the course, though. After all, I have found some pretty cool people up here.
Posted using Partiko Android
I just joined last month so I won't know
Posted using Partiko Android
You have a follow from the side. I'll make sure to comment on the majority of stuff that I see from you, because it's very rare nowadays.
Posted using Partiko Android