That is a great idea! love it. One of my crazy videos is going viral. (Yesterday it hit 12k after a couple weeks) I jumped 100 subscribers in like 2 weeks.
One of the guys that just subscribed to me has a bunch of followers. Not close to 1m but never the less I have been trying to get all these paragliding guys to join steemit. I want steemit to be a niche platform for pilots.
Anyway. I currently have 9 pilots that I have found from searching the #paragliding that are on steemit. @paleotreats, @adastra96, @dankof, @swin, @eggmeister, @hangflyer, @alandean, @o1o1o1o, and @cheyanich. I remember when it was just two of us. Super fun. network=power
Steem's growth will likely be niche by niche, so good luck!