Steem.IMG Photo Platform - NOT WORKING?!

in #steem7 years ago

I'm trying to upload the profile & the background picture on the Steem.IMG platform but it's not working. I can't upload not even any other photo.

Does anyone knows what is the problem?



Free vote for you! Yay!

Dear @blueorgy I have just realized that you are a creator & a developer of Steem.IMG platform for images. Is that true?

I posted this blog post 15 days ago & I didn't get any useful answer. Today I tried again uploading the profile & background image & I still have the same problem - none of them won't upload!

What is the problem? Can you help, please?


I'm having the same problem. Why can we just not upload a photo like on every other site?

I'm trying to do it from Croatia. Maybe it's the problem in the resolution of the photography (size or format)? I don't really understand?

Where do you reside?

uploadaj si sliku i uzmi "direct link" onda to zalijepi na Steemit, to bi ti trebalo raditi@careassaktart idi na napravi si profil

Ma brate, neće mi uploadati ni profilnu ni background, a kamoli nešto više od toga! Probao sam već 20 puta u nekoliko navrata. I naravno da sam se registrirao (napravio profil)!

It's no working for me too, any news about ?

@ivan.atman explained it in Croatian in the comment above. I didn't manage to try it yet...