Could it be that things are not as they seem?
When you vote do you see that you lost steem?
I click the arrow up and my wallet seems the same
Anger, Confusion, and reaction it might be a shame
I clicked and it says something that is for sure
What it says cannot be something that we insure
Only an indicator of what we would like to see
Yet truly you gave nothing, to you that was free
Meaning nothing can be stolen there is no thief
Surely to you as to me this also is a relief
It is funny how things can be shaped in our mind
By the familiar around us when truth we would find
We see harm where no harm exists
In familiar clothing we frame it, and continue to insist
At the point when we realize nothing was truly taken
That is the moment when understanding may awaken
That does not mean there is nothing negative to be viewed
Simply that which we are aiming at is due to targeting skewed
There is still much that we can do to improve this place
Helping people change their views may be saving grace