(Image found via Google Image Search / Source)
I am left to ponder the holographic messages left by Ramses and have been left intrigued, however in total honesty, I'm left feeling impatiently perterbed .. With the amount of work that I spent toiling away on this machine I reconfigured .. fine tuning it and figuring out how to establish a proper, clean connection, I'm left with a deep feeling of being underwhelmed with the end result ... so far there hasn't been much information divulged by this "Ramses" character that has been of much use to me, other than the fact that these messages seemed to be recorded from somewhere in a distant timeline, which is unto itself, fascinating I suppose .. there just isn't anything here to build on.
Based on what has been analyzed from the chemical composition that was flagged after collecting the residual quantum markers left behind from residue collected from the footage compiled within the data stream, it turned out that to my astonishment, these recordings appear to be originated from a timeline much further into the future than I originally would have guessed. I assume that they actually originate from a separate, alternate universe from this current one as well. It's hard to know just how far though .. could be an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, or even 100 years .. impossible to know for certain.
The language that Ramses speaks was rather unintelligible to me at first listen, due to the obvious language barriers between the two of us, however the language differential was eventually corrected by my trusty cryptographic cipher analyzing software and translating device, I was eventually able to translate the language accordingly .. Ramses spoken language turned out to be "English" which was apparently an archaic language spoken more commonly on a planet known as "Earth" within my galaxy.. For reasons currently unknown, "Earth" is a planet that has been strictly off limits and quarantined to all inter-dimensional travelers far and wide.
There are many conspiracy theories floating around as to why this quarantine was officially put in place so long ago by the interplanetary counsel, as this information was always on a "need to know" basis, so collectively, there aren't many beings out there who can safely say that they truly know for sure as to WHY no one has been permitted to travel there. From the timeline I'm originally from, the planet known as "Earth" and it's true history have been shrouded in complete mystery. Perhaps Ramses may enlighten us as to the true reasoning through any new transmissions that he may decide to upload in the future. My home-world of origin is safely nestled away inside a sphere body that our peoples called "Enceladus".
The "Battles" and "Games" that Ramses and this sinister Mephistopheles character allegedly played against one another are also intriguing to me .. Based on Ramses first message, he seemed to be showing signs of agitation. As if he was in peril and became fed up with his life situation. I hope he divulges more into this in the future and explains more about what took place, as this mysterious "crucible" that he went through sounds daunting and understanding this appears to be somewhat crucial if we are to completely understand Earth's true planetary timeline and what actually took place historically on that planet during these apparently pivotal years. Now that this quantum connection has been established between our entangled timelines, I'll be able to go back periodically and review the archive to find out if any new uploads may have been made.
Archive of [User: "Ramses"] Found Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWfuEbGknenfRbXcY6GUDpw?view_as=subscriber
[ Ongoing transmissions found to be Privately Communicated via New Secured Idola|Tree server ] ~> https://www.facebook.com/Ramses-21-104769977748327/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Just then .. suddenly, out of nowhere .. a loud BANG goes off beside me, causing me to leap up from my seated position by surprise .. suddenly, without any time to prepare, right there in my lab a portal rapidly opens up beside me to my right! .. alarmed, I jump aside and gasp to my astonishment. Curiously I peer inside the entrance of this dark entrance that continues to sustain it's opening hoping that I might uncover who or what was on the other side .. I see what looks to be like a silhouette of a man on the other side .. "I think I know who that is! .. It's Jace!".. I catch a twinkle in his eye as he smirks at me through the other side of the portal, giving me a smug wink."
New Connection established to [User: "King Jace"] ~> https://www.facebook.com/King-Jace-108807903806863/?modal=admin_todo_tour
(Image found via Google Image Search / Source)
Just as my realization dawns on me, I gasp as straight out of nowhere, a red stone fires through the portal and beelines straight towards my head .. I intuitively dodge the stone as it nearly strikes me straight in the face.. "A fair warning sure would have been nice!" .. "I think I may have shit myself just now!" .. The stone hits the wall and lodges itself straight into the stone wall, shockingly unscathed. "Good thing my focus is sharper than ever right now!" .. "Phew!!" .. "I guess that was part of his test!".. "Smart, however stupidly dangerous! .. That stone could have killed me!" .. "Only King Jace would have had the nads to bestow such a deathly test upon me right now!" The red stone seemingly sustains it's rigid structure, even though it's been lodged straight into the stone wall at hyper velocity.
Sympatico: "Due to some unforeseen interdimensional gateways that have now apparently become illegally constructed, for obvious reasons of safety we will now pre-emptively begin our descent back to our administrators phase of origin"
[Transition Phase] [Now shifting from [Phase 7] ~> [Phase 3]
Sympatico "Now arriving at [Phase 3] .. Anomolies corrected ..
[Phase 3] now stabalized .. Welcome home, T. Aurelius. We have now arrived!"
<[ Stardate Phase 3 : Act 6 ]|>
And just like that (SNAP} .. The mysterious interdimensional gateway immediately shuts.. Vanquished in an instant!
I sit back as I gaze across the room at the smoldering red stone that has become lodged into the rock wall .. Curiosity compells me ..
*Sheepishly, I slowly approach the stone and build up some courage ..
Hesitently I dislodge the hot, smoldering stone, now holding it in my hand .. etched in its side "X21" ..
[Equip Item: "Legendary Enchantment Artifact: The Philosopher's Stone X21 Variant"]
"It BURNS SO GOOD!" .. "My GOD! .. My power level! .. it's OVER 9000!"
(Image found via Google Image Search / Source)
...then suddenly...
.. to be continued .. ~>
Current Level Stats For Player: {[ Arch Magus ]} - [ T. Aurelius ] :
| Magus T. Aurelius | { Elders Guild } | 33000 EXP ~> LVL UP!!!
LVL 25 [Arch Magus] ~> { LVLUP } NOW ~> LVL42!! [Arch Magus]
Charisma : 77 - { LVL UP } - : Now ~> 9299 {Temp Equip Effect}
Strength : 55 - { LVL UP } - : Now ~> 9658 {Temp Equip9 Effect}
Itelligence : 89 - { LVL UP } - : Now ~> 11899 {Temp Equip Effect}
Mana : 150 - { LVL UP } - : Now ~> 14778 {Temp Effect}
Learning ~> Planeswalker Skillset ~> In Progress (89%)
Learning ~> Blue Magick Skillset ~> In Progress (76%)
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