The Mourning Star - The Beginning

in #steem5 years ago (edited)


The Mourning Star ~ Thadius Elijah Penner

It's impeccably clear.
You know.. This and that..

We all knew, we just did .. take it or leave it.

The previous tenant .. such a fool.. a coward at best .. nice, unlike the new hopeful we've gathered up for the carnival display, please. Shorties in the front please!

We just had to tripp up and fall deep into each other ferociously.. to birth just another set of phantoms which had eventually come to pass through the current.. through their merging necessities and abhorrent anomalies. Comfy, ney?

Fools coming undone, growing into and forming together.. a ballad foretold somewhere, I'd like to think .. in sync they tether themselves together hoping to play a part of another novels start .. now to the new hopeful actors .. are we ready for the show to begin? .. The Popcorn is ready!

Strange butters fly by thy.
Ah, #thynoveltine is so fresh and ripe on its own, don't you think?. Just standing together alone and in between their mess that they shared so lovingly with one another.. stuck there together. It was a miracle of sorts. Young love at its best. Alas this last bit might all be in jest, if the course is not properly coerced.

I kept finding the ghosts of selected moments which initially frayed apart at the seems. (intensify the charge!)

"Oh Lucius!" cried Lucien, struggling with his long lost! .. "You really are a true living light of manifest Christos." .. catching his breath once more, "We truly did deserve to see this truth shine forth for you in just the most synchronous timing." .. "Woe to me oh Lucius!" .. clearly, a last minute roll of the dice for he. "Oh my dear Lucius, Do you not see that I've struggled through with foggy sight within this putrid infansea, a type of novelty created with good intention, but what shall come of the new lives that we birthed together that we both share in full fairness?" .. "no longer to be exploited!" Lucius cries a brave shout! .. Lucius watches as Lucien cries his first genuine tear.

{End of Part 1}


(Bombshell: There exists on the dark/deepweb, a secret, occult realm of connected chat rooms where sick and twisted people flock to at the cost of large sums of money where they have the ability to take part and participate in dark voyeurism on a massive scale. It's kind of like the Truman Show meets Silence of the lambs. People from all around the world can be targeted by this disgusting and absolutely insidious game-show. I am even willing to bet that people even gamble and make wagers here as well .. it just makes sense.

My best safety is to be vocal, so here I am.. if it's true, in the event that anything were to happen to me, it would wind up proving my point. So, for the sake of my own safety, I must be vocal about this.. if they are smart, they'd back off .. I have their number, and they reeeeally don't like it. I don't expect many (if any) people to believe me, this is not my desire .. this post is more of a reflex reaction to what I need to do to protect myself, even if what I suggest is only a mere potentiality.

This is only the tip of the iceberg .. I need not say more though at this point, I believe I've said enough for now.)

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