If you have a steemit account, you can win some money for your writing, the money comes out in form of steem, which is true money you can get out to buy a cup of cofee. To get the money out, you should firstly convert it to some main stream cryptocurrency like ETH. Now let's go step by step how to do it.
step 1: open up your steem wallet, you can see steem and click 'sell':
step 2: to convert steem to ETH in blocktrades which is an institute providing this service, you give it steem and it deposits ETH to your ETH wallet:
step 3: go to your ETH wallet like MetaMask and get your account address:
step 4: click next, continue, easy to complete using the steem connect:
Blocktrades will charge you commission, but just a small one around 2%. This is the best way I have ever practiced to convert my steem to ETH then to trade in the crypto exchange for money.
This was the best way I have ever practiced to convert my steem to ETH then to trade in the crypto exchange for money. Hower it is not any more, this time I got nothing:
The reason is I used blocktrades as an intermediate service and it set a very high gas fee to guarantee the transaction will happen.
There is aonther way :
step 1: got an account in binance, which can support steem trading;
step 2: got deposit address in exchange;
step 3: transfer your steem in steemit to exchange;
step 4: trade steem with ETH.