I like the idea of no downvotes. Crap comments and posts disappear.
If a post starts conversation, regardless if I agree with the OP, I usually give that post an upvote. For the sparking of discussion. Or you can walk away from a post if you disagree with it.
What drew me Steemit in the first place was that it wasn't "fair".
I agree with this, and I think Dan did too. The removal of the exponential voting power curve made this difficult to implement without widespread abuse.
Same here.. I pretty much upvote everybody with whom I interact on Steemit. It's my way of saying 'Hey, thanks for giving me your attention!' I guess? :)
And yes, stuff that you disagree with.. just walk the other way? it's what I do.. no sense in picking a fight
I almost wrote an entire post entitled "the value of upvoting opposition viewpoints during debate". I never got around to it before I gave up the battle around here.