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RE: July 4th Price Action - Pure optimism and lessons not learned

in #steem9 years ago

I think no lesson was learned and so history repeats itself. In BTS printing new money for workers was claimed to be the discovery of ‘self funding blockchain’, when in reality it was just what it was – printing new shares.

Yea sure... I guess paying miners and electricity power companies isn't "just printing new BTC"

In any case I would like you to give a price prediction for the 4th of July or afterwards


Mining rewards is printing new BTC for sure. It never have been claimed for bitcoin to be a 'self-funding blockchain', though.

You are annoyed because BTS instead to paying the miners alocates the printed BTS for development? I don't get your point.

Any prediction for the price? marketcap will fall? marketcap will rise? no marketcap movement? any specific number?

Or it's just that "the persian arrows will blot out the sun" ?

My prediction:
7 usd per steem by the end of August! In other words - market cap bigger than btc!