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RE: Antidote To The Steemit Complain Game - Lessons In Winning From A Five Year Old

in #steem9 years ago

Yes, it's definitely a fact of life.

Beyond that, I feel grateful that these kinds of people exist. People of power and influence who, through their own grace, show the world something which they find beautiful, so we can all share in it.

Oprah never had to put Eckhart Tolle on her show and share what she had gained from it, but she did, and the world is a better place because of it.

People who use their influence carefully and effectively are a blessing.


She put Eckhart Tolle on her show, and I bet you there were lots of Eckhart Tolle clones, saying; why don't you put me on the show? It's not fair that you just showcase him....