Hello @dandays ... how's your days😉 I want to try to use autocorrect too. But it doesn't exists on my stupid phone😊 Since English is a foreign language for me.. I always find it fun when I read a translation article from Indonesia to english or vv (i doubt between vice or vise versa😂)
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The sweetest chef, long time no see! Your typos are perfect, they always make me laugh. Here’s what a thank you looks like translated from end:
Anda tahu saya menyukainya ketika Anda mampir di @cicisaja, terima kasih atas semua dukungan Anda!
Perfect translation @dandays 😉 now try to translate this to english.
Cobalah terjemahkan ini ke dalam bahasa inggris, apa yang bikin kamu tertawa bila seseorang lupa apa yang hendak ditulisnya?
This is a great example actually of translations and how they’re minimal and not reliable. I translated your message to English, it came across as English, but I don’t know how to answer the question.
This is how it translated:
Try translating this into English, what makes you laugh when someone forgets what they want to write? I sure am glad you speak type English cuz my app didn’t help me out enough with that one.
Hehehe... I will createva an fun Inglish later... it will be a great help to learn Bahasa through it ...LOL, I must find a funky topic about it soon.