Good points - I'm not saying flagging is a perfect system ... because it is far from it. I just wanted to point out a situation where it could have been a beneficial tool. I DO think that flagging is very different than just the absence of an upvote. One is ignoring and one is a small slap on the wrist - which psychologically feels different to the person doing the harassing.
Is it worth it for all the headaches and harm it's caused on this platform? Not sure... but I do see there has been some value brought about by it.
I guess we will soon see what happens. I guess my biggest issue is that everything else seems to be being worked on besides the real core beneficial stuff and we are now half way through 2019. I guess i'm just a little sour still lol
Oh I totally get that. Steemit is doing things... but there's just so much ground to recover that it doesn't seem fast enough. Or maybe to your point - not focusing on the right things first.