making money with steemit is not coming from the wish to make money with it directly.
its the ambition to create new content for the community.
and investing your followers into creating and reframing your thoughts for your content.
money itself is worthless if you don't know how to make use of it the best way.
give you an example. my account at this given moment is worth around 40 bucks
this enables me to access a money stream with permanently 40 bucks running through it.
not much for the money. but enough to be able to build up new content and good one.
i am willing herby now to completely invest the account money fully into your account through connecting to you via following.
cause i don't run my account for the money i run my account for the content i can create with it.
when not in the moood. you don't create content. thats how steem works.
this always produces best results for the money too cause you use your money for reinvesting into being able to get better at the skillset. and regarding steem its writing interesting content.
everything else for me is out of the equation. and thats how i deal with money in general. i build up as isolated projects and let the money do the work for me.
like this posting. its part of how i create content for the network.
thats how money works
short answer on a long reply: 100% agreed