If you don't know the story of everything I did last week, then you don't know me.
I'm already successful in this moment of now, it's for the world to catch up to me, and it's always too late for the whirled.
Any person I think is smarter than me, is actually 999% more smarter than me, because I have no idea... Craig :)
Yes it's really a nice thing to hold more Steem now, especially when there's a price dip right now, I would like to be more powerful in Steem and buy more power to let me become a superman in Steemit.
Hey Craig :)
U had a perfect timing investing here and you were resourceful enough :) i know that u deserved this freedom by working hard and keep pushing yourself forward.
And now you started to shine even more brighter ! Since you helping us , minnows to catch up . I'm currently checking what is witness here and i would love to upvote and be a witness to you or how it works?)
Sincerely , Nick
Hello criag,
On my mobile now so i will resteem and check you video later. Now steem is at around 1.9 and i think this is cheap because consider steem just have 200k members and this is nothing considering a simple fb fanspage also have such many members. The potential of steem is just so high.
i like that self irony :)
Hoping price of steem comes down a little, then it will be time to buy & POWER IT UP!
Loving my new upvote power
What a beauty you are! :) Steem on Brutha!
It's not going to matter if you paid 0.20 or $3 for your Steem, the only thing that's going to matter down the road is that you have as much Steem as you can.
Hahaahaa...you defo have a higher prespective in that coconut tree lol
I think you made the right choice purchasing a bitcoin worth of Steem while the price was down. Steem is a great investment.
Smart man!
I agree with you! Steem is a great investment, and has great potential!
So smart for buying the dips! Steemit's price will skyrocket, it's just being patient and gathering more :)
Definitely will be buying more steem power because now it actually affects the vote
Fresh Threads :) Happy to see that sun kissed skin and that smile on your face :)
lol so true
super life
#shysthelimit. Make the money and the money will make you!
Man, I'm all in.
I was just thinking about this today.
THANK YOUYOU and @trevonjb have impacted me tremendously,
fuck homie posting and posting and earning! and Vacation now that is freedom
Live the dream and keel smiling!!:)
@craig-grant, You are my inspiration, my friend. It is my goal that by the end of the year I will be able yo post content as good as yours. I know it will take hard work and dedication. It will also help when I can afford a camera that has enough memory to make videos...lol. Anyway, keep posting great content and inspiring us all. Steem on.
Got any words of advice? Yes, Buy Low, Sell High....lol
but no one is smarter than you craig. you are you.
If my weekly steemit payouts were as high as Craig's single post payouts I would be dancing for days haha
I cashed out all mi rest of eth in steem at 1.90 yesterday .Watching the charts of eth and steem today made me so happy =) . Thats my flow to feel free haha.
Craig, do you know did they change the inflation rate? Man, you are kicking out these vaca videos, have fun in paradise!
Enjoy it there, looks gorgeous! Upvoted and need to get buying some steem... thanks for the buy the dip nudge. You've got some smart logic going with people taking profits now with HF19!!

Nice Craig you play table tennis? I seen a table tennis table in one of your videos lol random haha
@craig-grant Great advice! It totally slipped my mind that now would be a perfect time to buy.... since others might be looking to off load some of their Steem...... thank you for the reminder!
STEEM is the future of the worlddddddd!
Great advice as always 😜 😝 😛 🤑
txs for those words...
Hope you are having a great time! Thanks for the video.
standing by for you to go live.
Beautiful view by the coconut tree. Smart move buying more on the dip.
Very good advice, great video.
You live in a beautiful place, I want to be there. I'm in the south island of New Zealand and it's winter here right now and it's cold as a witch's tits!
I look at Steemit network activity to guide my steem purchases. This latest hard fork has created incredible buzz and optimism. Good times are coming shortly.
You a smart dude Craig. Respect.
thank you for sharing
I'm just starting to wrap my mind around buying the dips. Setting up a separate bank account to do that soon. I want to buy low/sell high, pull out and wait for next dip, then just keep repeating that. We'll see where that takes me...
Nice sunset by the way!
Come on, you are not on the top of a coconut tree.
I'm looking forward for updated video ;)
More power to you @craig-grant
Very good advice
Yes Craig you rock your own massive world of cryptocurrency.
nice shirt
The steem market is great at the moment and the volatility is making some people pretty prosperous.
You deserve all the rewards for quality content on steemit and YouTube ( PS : your videos are good , no bullshit )Really appreciate your time and effort that you spend on your videos , keep up the good work !
Wise strategy use the dips to your advantage @craig-grant
Buy low and hold STEEM - best piece of advice for sure all day, every day! This is definitely what we're all aspiring for - keep inspiring us Craig! Working hard to get to paradise one day soon :)
Hi Craig,
Thank you for your posts. I have been watching your stuff on the web over the last couple of weeks. They've helped me understand a lot more about how this all works. Kia kaha bro.
brain )