Crypto Collectibles
~ Blockchains Local Comic Shop - Est. 2014 - On Steemit 2016 ~
Physical comics and other random collectibles are offered for sale. Purchases can be made without assistance on the OpenBazaar store with many cryptocurrencies (the app has @Shapeshiftio built in). Listings have appeared on @Peerhub and @Steembay as well, but OpenBazaar is the main store will full inventory (with an Etsy store for purchases with credit card on just the vintage items). Have even sold directly through Steemit and email using SBD or Steem (I forget which was used, it's all on blockchain).
A Steemian review
It doesn't currently seem to be supporting STEEM/SBD. Other than this, it looks good/valid. If you can provide the proof that they are accepting STEEM/SBD it should qualify.
That included link was from a Steem user who bought with Steem (it is in the review), used Peerhub fairly early on with listings and Steembay listings (two auctions actually even just finished within the past day or so link 1, link 2). I am confused what proof more proof can I provide, I can just let you know directly I accept Steem and SBD lol.
It should be easy enough that I can send someone there and they can make a purchase with STEEM/SBD. At the very least there should be instructions for how they would make a purchase that way. If I can’t figure it out when I’m specifically looking for it, it probably isn’t easy enough for the “average user” to figure out :)
Seems unfair to not make a list because people have to have crypto experience to use :/
Also I don't know of many "average" users of crypto, we are all advanced ;)
And also also, Crypto Collectibles does not exist in just one "place" you can send a person to, "Blockchains Local Comic Shop" is agnostic to what blockchains :D
Should thread title be different to note no love for the uber Steem geeks that know how to use other decentralized tools :p
If you just want the 1 SBD it is yours, because it technically meets the requirements. It does not really serve the purpose of what I am going for though. If I can't send an "average Steemian" somewhere and say "here, this shop accepts STEEM/SBD" and expect them to figure out how to make the payment, I'm not going to share it in my compilation. It is not rocket science, and someone shouldn't need to be an expert in cryptocurrency to figure out how to pay you with STEEM.
This isn't about 1 Steem lol I just genuinely wanted to be on your list of business that accept Steem because I accept Steem/SBD and have so got confused. Rocket scientists might want to view your list too ;)
I want you to be on the list too, that's the whole point of the list :)
I feel like we are making this more complicated than it has to be.. It is your shop. You accept STEEM/SBD. Can you provide me instructions that I could put in my list that explains to an "average Steemian" how they can buy things from your site with STEEM/SBD?
I just launched my site to list all the businesses accepting STEEM/SBD :)
You can read about it here.