Hi @anomadsoul
I've had enough of people stating that Ned is supposed to step down as CEO and that he is not good enough to lead.
Dont be like president of France. Gtting tired of listening to people and then criticasing them is one of the biggest mistake anyone can do.
Your message is just showing your frustration which isnt helping.
Steemit Inc is not Steem and Ned is not our Messia
Steemit Inc is so strongly associated with STEEM that it's hard to see it otherwise. I know that those are two different things. But Steemit Inc is the biggest holder of STEEM and is flooding market to cover operating cost. Which in direct line is affecting STEEM and crushing trust towards this token.
And trust is everything. Wouldn't you agree on that?
but they are not the community,
They are not community, but they are decision makers. Community seem to have very little power and very little say. That's sad reality. We can fool ourselfs that it's otherwise. But it's just the way it is. Since Steem Inc and Ned hold the biggest reserves of STEEM then they are pretty much in charge.
Im not saying that we shouldn't try to help and Im myself doing my best. Just check out my latest post to see how badly Im trying to support our community:
But our efforts cannot do much if there is pretty much no communication between us and developing team.
Where the decisions are not up to one person or board.
Decentralization is just a word that is being overused in current days and really means very little. In current state decisions are pretty much done by one person. That's not theory, that's reality.
My point is that Ned and Steemit Inc slowly decreasing the community dependance on them is good, it will lead to real decentralization and the community taking the bull by the horns.
Community without leader? Ehm. I wish to be as optimistic as you are. But Im not :(
We really need a leader. Now more than ever before. And someone who communicate with people.
Hey, I read this a few hours ago, I've been packing and I'm about to take a plane but just wanted to thank you for the big comment and let you know I'll reply in a while when I'm in front of the PC (not politically correct but personal computer) :P
have a safe flight @anomadsoul
wherever you're flying to ....
hello, crypto Piotr, the two people you asked for support for, I upvoted both of them three articles each. Let me know if you want further support :)
Dear @eternalsuccess
I love how responsive you and supportive you are
I'm so glad that I had a chance to get to know you lately. You're so very supportive. LOVE IT :)