Well if my buying steem And powering up means I purchased influence and part of s company. Why on earth are the 100s of people crying about what I do with my vest 🤔?
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Well if my buying steem And powering up means I purchased influence and part of s company. Why on earth are the 100s of people crying about what I do with my vest 🤔?
Every action will piss off a certain part of the community, it is unavoidable. For example, this post got hate because of how I worded it.
It isn't the same as buying part of a company but it was the best way I could find to make it understandable. There are many that believe it is your stake to use as you please, there are many that believe you should give away everything away.
For the most part, everything is fine unless it is someone else doing it.
It seems like we have entered a never ending discussion. Even with the changes that are made, if you don’t invest you will still be lagging behind.
I don’t understand how your post could receive hate, it made sense.
I am a firm believer that users can wield their stake however they see fit. However most people who use this justification for excessive self voting, vote selling, etc. only believe in “the code is law” when it comes to upvoting. If they are downvoted into oblivion they’ll never acknowledge it as a valid use of vests. They are often the first and loudest to cry about how others have chosen to use their shares.
I’m overall happy with the mechanics of the system, I’d like to see more of a cultural shift that does free people to use their vests as desired, including a lot more flagging!
Self votes and abusive flaggging should viewed the same but no one talks about that.