AMAZEBALL! You have my upvote on this! are my suggestions
- Duplicate content is a huge SEO issue, so how about making sure there is a canonical link to the original on
- Being able to add meta title, meta description to the page would be amazing for SEO optimization of the website
SteemPress could be big...REAL big.
Holy crap. Nice work! I just had visions of a whole blockchain CMS. One too many beers to think it through right now though.
I've had some of the same thoughts :)
I'm not a PHP fan like yourself though. I have used Ghost before. Then I played with numerous static site generators. Ended up really liking Grav ( even though it uses PHP on the server side. It's ultimately much more powerful than a static site generator but much less complex than a bloated WP install. I'd choose flat-files over a standard database any day. :)
It would be interesting to use the blockchain instead of flat-files for sure.
PHP isn't perfect but it's the hero we have, just like Mothman!