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RE: Introducing - mixing a traditional blog style with the steem blockchain

in #steem9 years ago

AMAZEBALL! You have my upvote on this! are my suggestions

  1. Duplicate content is a huge SEO issue, so how about making sure there is a canonical link to the original on
  2. Being able to add meta title, meta description to the page would be amazing for SEO optimization of the website

SteemPress could be big...REAL big.

  1. Great point on the canonical link, I'll get that added in the next build. Since right now it's the most recent 10 posts all on one page (based on the username), I'll make the canonical link point to the user's blog page.
  2. Do you mean as you're creating the posts? Right now I don't even have a database on SteemPress, I'm 100% using the blockchain itself. So if we wanted to be able to add additional fields for that kind of data, we'd need to add it to Steem itself. But I think it's an excellent idea!

Holy crap. Nice work! I just had visions of a whole blockchain CMS. One too many beers to think it through right now though.

I've had some of the same thoughts :)

I'm not a PHP fan like yourself though. I have used Ghost before. Then I played with numerous static site generators. Ended up really liking Grav ( even though it uses PHP on the server side. It's ultimately much more powerful than a static site generator but much less complex than a bloated WP install. I'd choose flat-files over a standard database any day. :)

It would be interesting to use the blockchain instead of flat-files for sure.

PHP isn't perfect but it's the hero we have, just like Mothman!
