As @SpiritualMax waves goodbye to his fourth armada, the ships raise anchor with all of the brave souls who will colonize the New World.
The ships carry the colonists, supplies, tools and soldiers, as the challenge will be beaten no matter the cost.
The valiant colonists know this.
Other than these colony leaders, more people arrived to boost the Imperial Outpost for the campaign.
The Imperial Outpost has the current staff in it:
- @eonwarped (tax collector)
- Ambassador Crane (@spiritualmax's envoy)
- Praetorian Lamara (@spiritualmax's military general)
The colonists breathe in the fresh air and prepare to take their first steps into this brave New World!
Refreshing: The Rules!
The game is pretty simple.
Each colonist has his/hers own colony. At first, it is lackluster of course, but with time they'll develop into profitable hubs of trade, commerce, industry, or even war.
The turns are weekly and they are made of 4 distinct phases:
- Resource Phase;
- Colony Phase;
- Action Phase;
- Diplomacy Phase;
In each of these phases, you'll have different actions available depending on what you have at your disposal that turn (that week).
At any time, a user can state that he wants his colony to be inactive so it is paused in its current state. This is useful if the colonist doesn't want to play or wish to pause his colony suffering no risks.
His steem and sbd income are safe.
Let's Start!
@Amymya's Colony:
@amymya spent her week logging and gathering lumber in order to ensure she was properly heated.
No more would she be cold in her colony.
She still has enough food for a couple more weeks, and with shelter and warmth to boot, she will be stable.
She successfully gathered enough wood to build a fire... maybe that should be the next thing to do?
Her revenue this week was 0.169 SBD and 0.004 STEEM.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 50SP (unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.169 SBD and 0.004 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+8 this turn)
Stone: 0 (+0 this turn)
Food: 2 (+0 this turn)(-1 consumed: 1 settler)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 5 Defense (from Colonist)
Buildings: Lean-to
Colony Phase:
With 50SP unused, @amymya has the choice to hire:
- A Lumberjack;
- A Forager;
- A Miner;
- A Builder;
With her current resources @amymya has the choice to build:
- Fireplace (3 Wood) (uses 1 wood per turn)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
@Dawnsheree and @anjkara want to trade with you.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Anjkara's Colony:
@Anjkara now has a lean-to to rest, her food is getting in at a stable level and all seems promising as her colony starts to really stand on its two feet.
She now still has wood to take care of what is missing - warmth... maybe she should take care of it?
But.. so many choices now that her wood supplies are up... she will have to think about what to do.
Her profit this week was of 1.75 SBD and 0.085 STEEM
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 500SP (300 SP Unused)
Week Colony Profits: 1.75 SBD and 0.085 STEEM
Wood: 20 (+10 this turn: 1 Lumberjack)
Stone: 0 (+0 this turn)
Food: 3 (+8 this turn: 2 Foragers)(-5 consumed: 5 settlers)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 9 Defense (from 5 settlers)
Buildings: Lean-to
Special Modifier: Prime Defense Location (+20% defense, -10% foraging)
Colony Phase:
With 300SP unused, @anjkara has the choice to hire:
- 6 Lumberjack;
- 6 Forager;
- 6 Miner;
- 6 Builder;
- 1 Legionnaire; (+5 defense)
With her current resources @anjkara has the choice to build:
- Fireplace (3 Wood) (uses 1 wood per turn)
- Basic Wall (10 Wood: Adds Defensive Advantage I)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP each and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Wants to trade with @amymya and @dawnsheree
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Bluntsmasha's Colony:
@bluntsmasha took no action and he spotted a hungry cannibal by the corner of his eye.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 50SP (used)
Week Colony Profits: 0.169 SBD and 0.004 STEEM
Wood: 3 (+0 this turn)
Stone: 15 (+9 this turn: 1 Miner)
Food: 6 (+0 this turn) (-2 consumed: 2 settlers)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production).
Current Defense: 6 Defense (from 2 settlers)
Buildings: Lean-to
Special Modifier: Water Hole (+20% Foraging) (-10% Mining)
Colony Phase:
With 50SP used, @bluntsmasha has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @bluntsmasha has the choice to build:
- Fireplace (3 Wood) (uses 1 wood per turn)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@CarrieAllen's Colony:
@carrieallen sold information to @norwegianbikeman for 1 Stone, and spent the week foraging.
Her lumberjack worked hard as well, and the builder accompanied the colonist to the berry bushes - to harvest only, I hope.
Her profits this week were of 0.344 SBD and 0.012 STEEM
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 100SP (Used)
Week Colony Profits: 0.344 SBD and 0.012 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+10 this turn: 1 Lumberjack)
Stone: 0 (+0 this turn)
Food: 1 (+5 this turn) (-3 consumed: 3 settlers)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 7 Defense (from 3 settlers)
Colony Phase:
With 50SP used, @carrieallen has the choice to hire:
- None
With her current resources @carrieallen has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
Builders tackle projects automatically.
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
@carrieallen is selling information on the cannibals for 1 Stone, 1 Wood or 1 Food.
Native Side:
With the Cannibal's Encampment discovered, you have the following options unlocked at the time: (you don't have to take them):
- Arrest a settler and hand him over to the Cannibals in a gesture of good will.
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Creativetruth's Colony: Truthville
@creativetruth had his builder work on a Fireplace this week, while he himself got his hands dirty and logged some wood.
He now has food, warmth and shelter, so everything seems nice.
However, he is thinking about building a wall soon. Plenty of wood needed to do that.
Imperial Scouts report the lumberjack he fired last week started developing his own colony alone.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 50SP (used)
Week Colony Profits: 0.169 SBD and 0.004 STEEM
Wood: 5 (+8 this turn) (-1 consumed: Fireplace)
Stone: 0 (+0 this turn)
Food: 4 (+0 this turn) (-2 consumed: 2 settlers)
Current Modifiers: Stable (+10% Morale)
Current Defense: 6 Defense (from 2 settlers)
Buildings: Lean-to, Fireplace
Colony Phase:
With 50SP used, @creativetruth has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @creativetruth has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Rebels Side:
- 1 Lumberjack
Player Side:
Traded 1 Lumber for 1 Food with @norwegianbikeman
Traded 1 Lumber for 1 Food with @phelimint
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@cryptkeeper17 Colony:
@cryptkeeper17 did no action and was paralyzed with fear from the cannibals.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 30SP (unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.103 SBD and 0.002 STEEM
Wood: 5 (+0 this turn)
Stone: 5 (+0 this turn)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production), Very Hungry (-50% Production), Tired (No Shelter: -20% Production)
Current Defense: 5 Defense (from Colonist)
Colony Phase:
With 30SP unused, @cryptkeeper17 has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @cryptkeeper17 has the choice to build:
- Lean-to (Basic Shelter: 5 Wood, 5 Stone)
- Fireplace (3 wood, 1 wood consumed per turn)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@cyber.explorer's Colony:
@cyber.explorer has his stomach rumbling again, he seems to be needing some food but hopefully his foraging can provide
He went out to forage and left his miner to mine and lumberjack to log.
Everything is running smoothly, except they're beggining to be really cold.
His profits this week were of 0.344 SBD and 0.012 STEEM.
OOC: You seem to think settlers are extra people. You have 3 settlers in total, which are you, lumberjack and miner)
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 100SP (used)
Week Colony Profits: 0.344 SBD and 0.012 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+10 this turn: 1 lumberjack)
Stone: 14 (+11 this turn: 1 Miner)
Food: 9 (+2 this turn) (-3 consumed: 3 settlers)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 7 Defense (from 3 settlers)
SPECIAL MODIFIER: Imperial Approval (+10% mining)
Colony Phase:
With 0SP unused, @cyber.explorer has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @cyber.explorer has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Got 3 Food for 3 Stone from Norwegian
Got 5 Food for 5 Stone from Phelimint
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Dawnsheree's Colony:
@dawnsheree decided to forage this week.
This week she had a profit of 0.029 SBD and 0.000 STEEM.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 10SP (unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.029SBD and 0.000 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+0 this turn)
Stone: 0(+0 this turn)
Food: 1 (+3 this turn) (-1 consumed: 1 settler)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production),
Current Defense: 5 Defense (from Colonist)
Buildings: Lean-to
Colony Phase:
With 10SP unused, @dawnsheree has the choice to hire:
- No choice.
With his current resources @dawnsheree has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Wants to trade with @anjkara and @amymya
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Derangedvisions' Colony:
@derangedvisions decided to go to the battlegrounds to try to see if there was something there to loot.
He found the grounds already looted by both the Imperial Soldiers and @swolesome himself.
On his way home and during the rest of the week, he foraged some food.
He also decided to sleep naked in his lean-to... a snake bit his penis, luckilly it wasn't poisonous.
His weekly profits were 0.048 SBD
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 15SP (unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.048 SBD and 0.000 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+0 this turn)
Stone: 0 (+0 this turn)
Food: 1 (+4 this turn) (-1 consumed: 1 settler)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 5 Defense (from Colonist)
Buildings: Learn-to
Colony Phase:
With 15SP unused, @derangedvisions has the choice to hire:
- No Choice
With his current resources @derangedvisions has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Fearlessfaith's Colony
As @fearlessfaith arrived alone, he went in search for a clearing.
After finding a good spot, he cleared out the grounds in order to establish his colony's perimeter and he sold what he found daily for a total income of 0.036 SBD this week.
He also kept a surplus of wood and stone to get started.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 100SP (unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.20 SBD and 0.011 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+5 this turn)
Stone: 0 (+5 this turn)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production), Hungry (-30% Production)
Current Defense: 5 Defense (from Colonist)
Colony Phase:
With 100SP unused, @fearlessfaith has the choice to hire:
- 2 Builders
- 2 Foragers
- 2 Miners
- 2 Lumberjacks
With his current resources @fearlessfaith has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@frank1in's Colony:
@frank1in set up his shelter and had his staff continue to work, the colony needs to be kept healthy.
He is getting enough food, now he has a shelter and a fireplace so he is finally stable.
His colony made 0.717 SBD and 0.032 STEEM this week.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 205SP (5SP unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.717 SBD and 0.032 STEEM
Wood: 12 (+10 this turn: 1 Lumberjack)
Stone: 10 (+10 this turn: 1 Miner)
Food: 4 (+9 this turn: 1 Forager) (-5 Consumed)
Current Modifiers: Stable (+10% Morale)
Current Defense: 9 Defense (from 5 Settlers)
Colony Phase:
With 5SP unused, @frank1in has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @frank1in has the choice to build:
- Wooden Wall (10 Wood) (Adds Defensive Advantage I)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Gamsam's Colony
As @gamsam arrived alone, he went in search for a clearing.
After finding a good spot, he cleared out the grounds in order to establish his colony's perimeter and he sold what he found daily for a total income of 0.061 SBD and 0.004 this week.
He also kept a surplus of wood and stone to get started.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 50SP (unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.20 SBD and 0.011 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+5 this turn)
Stone: 0 (+5 this turn)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production), Hungry (-30% Production)
Current Defense: 5 Defense (from Colonist)
Colony Phase:
With 100SP unused, @gamsam has the choice to hire:
- 1 Builders
- 1 Foragers
- 1 Miners
- 1 Lumberjacks
With his current resources @gamsam has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@jan23com's Colony:
While @jan23com was sleeping under a rock in his colony, a cannibal scout came by and slit his throat.
He took him over his shoulder towards camp...
@jan23com's journey ends here. His profits will be sent to his relatives.
@Jon24jon24's Colony
As @jon24jon24 arrived alone, he went in search for a clearing.
After finding a good spot, he cleared out the grounds in order to establish his colony's perimeter and he sold what he found daily for a total income of 0.293 SBD and 0.012 this week.
He also kept a surplus of wood and stone to get started.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 100SP (unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.293 SBD and 0.012 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+5 this turn)
Stone: 0 (+5 this turn)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production), Hungry (-30% Production)
Current Defense: 5 Defense (from Colonist)
Colony Phase:
With 100SP unused, @jon24jon24 has the choice to hire:
- 2 Builders
- 2 Foragers
- 2 Miners
- 2 Lumberjacks
With his current resources @jon24jon24 has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Kryptocek's Colony:
@kryptocek made his builder build a shelter while he foraged for food, just getting enough for the colony to survive another week.
His miner tried his best to cut wood, but only got a meager amount since he isn't skilled at it.
Nonetheless, a shelter makes him feel refreshed, and future foraging runs may be more productive.
His profits this week were of 0.344 SBD and 0.012 STEEM
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 100SP (used)
Week Colony Profits: 0.344 SBD and 0.012 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+4 this turn)
Stone: 19 (+0 this turn)
Food: 1 (+3 this turn) (-3 consumed: 3 settlers)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production), Tired (No Shelter)
Current Defense: 7 Defense (from 3 settlers)
Colony Phase:
With 100SP used, @kryptocek has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @kryptocek has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Traded Stone for Food with @norwegianbikeman
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Maverickinvictus' Colony:
@maverickinvictus hired an extra miner and made his 2 miners, forager and lumberjack work this week.
He fired the builder to get that second miner though, and he didn't like it.
He also forgot to work this week, with all that work gathering the workers and putting them to their jobs.
Imperial Scouts also report his previous builder decided to set up his own colony.
His colony's profits were 0.661 SBD and 0.03 STEEM
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 200SP (used)
Week Colony Profits: 0.661 SBD and 0.03 STEEM
Wood: 18 (+10 this turn: 1 Lumberjack) (-1 Consumed: Fireplace)
Stone: 0 (+20 this turn: 2 Miners)
Food: 6 (+5 this turn: 1 Forager) (-5 consumed: 5 settlers)
Current Modifiers: Stable (+10% Morale)
Current Defense: 9 Defense (from 5 settlers)
Buildings: Lean-to, Fireplace
Colony Phase:
With 0SP unused, @maverickinvictus has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @maverickinvictus has the choice to build:
- Wooden Wall (10 Wood) (Adds Defensive Advantage I)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Rebel Side:
- 1 Builder
Player Side:
Trading Conversations with @moneyinfant
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Minersean's Colony:
@minersean now has a shelter to rest, and he decided to get more wood since he is still cold and has enough food to last for a couple of weeks.
His colony profits this week were of 0.012 SBD.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 5SP (unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.012 SBD and 0.000 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+8 this turn)
Stone: 0 (+0 this turn)
Food: 2 (+0 this turn) (-1 consumed: 1 settler)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 5 Defense (from Colonist)
Colony Phase:
With 5SP unused, @minersean has the choice to hire:
- No Choice
With his current resources @minersean has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Moneyinfant's Colony:
@moneyinfant is no longer paralyzed in fear and started building a shelter.
He also made sure his workers were giving it their all.
His shelter got built and he is now no longer Tired.
The colony's profits this week were of 0.344 SBD and 0.012 STEEM
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 100SP (used)
Week Colony Profits: 0.344 SBD and 0.012 STEEM
Wood: 20 (+10 this turn: 1 Lumberjack)
Stone: 0 (+0 this turn)
Food: 4 (+5 this turn: 1 Forager) (-3 consumed: 3 settlers)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 7 Defense (from 3 settlers)
Colony Phase:
With 100SP used, @moneyinfant has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @moneyinfant has the choice to build:
- Fireplace (3 Wood) (uses 1 wood per turn)
- Wooden Wall (10 Wood) (Adds Defensive Advantage I)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Trade Conversations with @maverickinvictus
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Norwegianbikeman's Colony: NBM Farms and Forager Inc.
@norwegianbikeman got some more funds to hire workers this week, and he also built his shelter.
Now he has a place to rest and store his food outside of the rain.
He can now hire more workers. He also obtained information from @carrieallen on where the cannibals are.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 250SP (100 SP used)
Week Colony Profits: 0.727 SBD and 0.039 STEEM
Wood: 8 (+0 this turn)
Stone: 3 (+0 this turn)
Food: 6 (+10 this turn: 2 Foragers)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 7 Defense (from 3 settlers)
Colony Phase:
With 150SP unused, @norwegianbikeman has the choice to hire:
- 3 builders
- 3 lumberjacks
- 3 miners
- 3 foragers
With his current resources @norwegianbikeman has the choice to build:
- Fireplace (3 Wood) (uses 1 wood per turn)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Traded 1 Food for 1 Wood with @creativetruth
Gave 1 stone to @carrieallen for cannibal information
Gave 3 food for 3 stone to @cyber.explorer
Native Side:
- Thanks to knowing about the Cannibals, can arrest a settler and send him to the Cannibals camp.
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@onepercentbetter's Colony:
@onepercentbetter decided to spend his second week building his shelter.
Fed and sheltered, he now only needs to get a fireplace going to have a stable colony
His profits this week surmounted to 0.012 SBD
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 5SP (unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.012 SBD and 0.000 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+0 this turn)
Stone: 0 (+0 this turn)
Food: 3 (+0 this week) (-1 consumed: 1 settler)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 5 Defense (from Colonist)
Colony Phase:
With 15SP unused, @onepercentbetter has the choice to hire:
- No Choice
With his current resources @onepercentbetter has the choice to build:
- Fireplace (3 Wood) (uses 1 wood per turn)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Phelimint's Colony:
@phelimint got his workers to work and decided to mine alongside his builder due to the fact he has a stable colony and is looking to expand.
He was relieved to reach this day without being attacked.
His weekly profits were of 0.872 SBD and 0.041 STEEM
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 250SP (250SP used)
Week Colony Profits: 0.872 SBD and 0.041 STEEM
Wood: 17 (+11 this turn) (1 Lumberjack) (-1 due to Fireplace)
Stone: 21 (+13 this turn) (1 Miner)
Food: 1 (+11 this turn) (1 Forager) (-5 consumed: 5 settlers)
Current Modifiers: Stable (+10% morale)
Current Defense: 9 Defense (from 5 settlers)
SPECIAL MODIFIER: Forest Colony (+10% Food, +10% Wood, -20% Stone)
Colony Phase:
With 0SP unused, @phelimint has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @phelimint has the choice to build:
- Wooden Wall (10 Wood) (Adds Defensive Advantage I)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Traded 5 Food for 5 Stone with @cyber.explorer
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Phgnomo's Colony:
@phgnomo is now protected from the rain and decided it's time to go get some food again.
His colony is nearly stable... now he only needs a source of warmth as he is getting quite cold.
His income this week was of 0.048 SBD
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 15SP (unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.048 SBD and 0.000 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+0 this turn)
Stone: 0 (+0 this turn)
Food: 0 (+3 this turn) (-1 consumed: 1 settler)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 5 Defense (from Colonist)
Colony Phase:
With 15SP unused, @phgnomo has the choice to hire:
- No Choice
With his current resources @phgnomo has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Royaleagle's Colony:
@royaleagle has some food already, and even though fatigue is setting in, mining is what he'll be doing.
Having said that, his mining run went ok and nothing bad happened. Managed to stock quite a bit of stone this week.
His profits this week were of 0.019 SBD
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 10SP (unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.019 SBD and 0.000 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+0 this turn)
Stone: 0 (+8 this turn)
Food: 2 (+0 this turn) (-1 this turn: 1 settler)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-5% Production), Tired (No Shelter -20%)
Current Defense: 5 Defense (from Colonist)
Colony Phase:
With 10SP unused, @royaleagle has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @royaleagle has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Saliv8's Colony:
The forager thought he was going to forage, but he was dead wrong as @saliv8 tossed him a pickaxe and ordered him to mine for stone while he went to cut wood.
The forager obeyed.
Saliv8 managed to get quite a bit of wood, but the forager didn't get much stone.
His income this week was of 0.328 SBD and 0.012 STEEM
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 95SP (45SP unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.328 SBD and 0.012 STEEM
Wood: 3 (+8 this turn)
Stone: 0 (+4 this turn)
Food: 1 (+0 this turn) (-2 consumed: 2 settlers)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 6 Defense (from 2 settlers)
Colony Phase:
With 45SP unused, @saliv8 has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @saliv8 has the choice to build:
- Fireplace (3 Wood) (uses 1 wood per turn)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Wants to Trade Wood for Stone
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Sames's Colony:
@sames went foraging today as he thought his food supplies wouldn't last much longer.
He was lucky today, he found a bountyful tree full of fruit and even managed to get a rabbit.
Days like these should happen more often.
His income this week was of 0.169 SBD and 0.004 STEEM
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 50SP (used)
Week Colony Profits: 0.169 SBD and 0.004 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+0 this turn)
Stone: 10 (+10 this turn) (1 Miner)
Food: 1 (+5 this turn) (-2 consumed: 2 settler)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 6 Defense (from 2 settlers)
Colony Phase:
With 50SP used, @sames has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @sames has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Simplymike's Colony:
SURRENDER: Back to the Empire
@simplymike thought colonizing was too much, she went back to the empire on one of the supply ships.
@Stephen.king989's Colony:
@stephen.king989 was Paralyzed by fear this week, and the cannibals are roaming just around the corner.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 200SP (used)
Week Colony Profits: 0.903 SBD and 0.006 STEEM
Wood: 20 (+20 this turn: 2 Lumberjacks)
Stone:0 (+0 this turn)
Food: 0 (+5 this turn) (-5 consumed: 5 settlers)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 9 Defense (from 5 settlers)
Colony Phase:
With 200SP used, @stephen.king989 has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @stephen.king989 has the choice to build:
- Fireplace (3 Wood) (Consumes 1 wood per turn)
- Wooden Wall (10 Wood) (Adds Defensive Advantage I)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Svkrulze's Colony:
@svkrulze thought he had a close encounter with death by malnutrition last week, and he's not going to let that happen again.
He went to forage and his result was average. However, since he is alone it feeds him for some time.
Guess loneliness isn't so bad after all.
His profits this week were of
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20SP (unused)
Week Colony Profits: 0.064 SBD and 0.001 STEEM
Wood: 5 (+0 this turn)
Stone: 5 (+0 this turn)
Food: 1 (+3 this turn) (-1 consumed: 1 settler)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production), Tired (No Shelter -20% Production)
Current Defense: 5 Defense (from Colonist)
Colony Phase:
With 20SP unused, @svkrulze has the choice to hire:
- No Choice
With his current resources @svkrulze has the choice to build:
- Fireplace (3 Wood) (uses 1 wood per turn)
- Lean-to (Basic Shelter: 5 Wood, 5 Stone)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Swolesome's Colony:
@swolesome equipped his new spear.
He's happy that he managed to repel the attack and that he even got out of it stronger.
The Imperial Troops left his colony this turn.
He decided to went foraging for the week, but wait, what's that? Now that @swolesome has a spear he can go hunting instead.
His foraging action changed to hunting.
Swolesome went hunting and hired a forager he ordered to forage. This week there shall be plenty of food.
Your colony's profit this week were: 0.22 SBD and 0.005 STEEM
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 50SP (used)
Week Colony Profits: 0.169 SBD and 0.004 STEEM
Wood: 0 (+0 this turn)
Stone: 0 (+0 this turn)
Food: 0 (+10 this turn) (-2 consumed: 2 settlers)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production), Tired (No Shelter)
Current Defense: 6 Defense (from 2 settlers)
Colony Phase:
With 50SP unused, @swolesome has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @swolesome has the choice to build:
- None
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Nothing to report.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@theb0red1's Colony:
@theb0red1's been paralyzed by fear this week, as Cannibals are lurking in the corner... better take action this week.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 100SP (used)
Week Colony Profits: 0.344 SBD and 0.012 STEEM
Wood: 15 (+10 this turn)
Stone: 15 (+10 this turn)
Food: 0 (+3 this turn) (-3 consumed: 3 settlers)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production), Tired (No Shelter -20% production)
Current Defense: 7 Defense (from 3 settlers)
Colony Phase:
With 100SP used, @theb0red1 has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @theb0red1 has the choice to build:
- Fireplace (3 Wood) (uses 1 wood per turn)
- Lean-to (Basic Shelter: 5 Wood, 5 Stone)
- Wooden Wall (10 Wood) (Adds Defensive Advantage I)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Build;
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
First Contact Quest Needed
Your Colony Awaits your Command
@Therealwolf's Colony:
The Real Wolf went to get some water for the nearby river when he saw more people on the water's reflection.
He didn't even have time to turn before the first blood drops hit the water.
His earnings will be sent to his family.
@Yabapmatt's Colony:
@yabapmatt's colony looks great with the new wooden house and wooden wall.
Now his colony has a solid bunch of people, everyone's fed, he has a good shelter and feels safer.
Not only that, the walls allow for better defense.
He decided to hire 1 Farmer, 2 builders, 3 miners, and 5 lumberjacks
After placing them to work, he went on to forage for food.
After a week with his colony busy working, he saw that his daily income surmounted to a weekly total of 8.773 SBD and 0.451 STEEM.
He also went to the Imperial Outpost to post some quests of his own.
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 2500SP (used)
Week Colony Profits: 8.773 SBD and 0.451 STEEM
Wood: 65 (+100 this turn)
Stone: 75 (+80 this turn)
Food: 1 (+29 this turn) (-32 consumed: 32 settlers)
Gold: 1 (+1 this turn)
Current Modifiers: Cold (-10% Production)
Current Defense: 37 Defense (from 32 settlers)
Colony Phase:
With 2500SP used, @yabapmatt has the choice to hire:
- None
With his current resources @yabapmatt has the choice to build:
- Fireplace (3 Wood) (uses 1 wood per turn)
- Wooden Wall II (100 Wood) (3 Weeks: -1 week for each 2 builders) (Adds Defensive Advantage II)
- Stone Wall (25 Wood, 25 Stone) (Adds Defensive Advantage II)
- Watch Tower (50 Wood) (Warns of Incoming Attack 1 Week Previously)
- 1 Carpentry (50 Wood) (For Carpenter)
- 1 Barn (50 Wood) (For Farmer)
- 1 Blacksmith's Hut (50 Wood, 25 Stone) (For Smelter)
- 1 City Hall (50 Wood, 50 Stone) (For Architect)
- Till Field (Built by Farmer)
Action Phase:
Choose One:
a) Embark on a Quest;
b) Forage for Food;
c) Mine for Stone;
d) Harvest Wood;
e) Order 5 Lumberjacks to Study New Tech
f) Order 5 Miners to Study New Tech
g) Order 5 Builders to Study New Tech
h) Order 5 Foragers to Study New Tech
i) Build
Other than that, you can hire a worker from the Imperial Outpost for 50SP and task him to one of these actions as well.
Diplomacy Phase:
Player Side:
Feel free to strike deals with other players.
Native Side:
Who to tell?
Based on your discovery, you can take the following actions:
- Send Garrison to Yetu Tribe;
- Rent an Archer for 2 Gold;
Your Colony Awaits your Command
The Imperial Outpost:
You approach the Imperial Outpost and look at the Quest Pannel.
Here are the Quests Available this week:
Quest 1: Brainstorm For Yabapmatt
SPONSORED QUEST - Generously funded by Yabapmatt
Difficulty: Easy
Danger: None
Reward: 2.5 SBD (1 Taker Only, Order of Arrival)The Colonist @yabapmatt wants to know what a building of his choice will unlock.
Quest 2: Find Treasure
Embark on an adventure to find out about the New World's Emerald Caves. Bring them in for the Empire.
Difficulty: Very Hard
Danger: Medium
Reward: 15 SBD
Quest 3: Study Fauna
The Emperor needs to know what kind of animal is present on the New World's Jungles.
Difficulty: Easy
Danger: Low
Reward: 1 SBD
In Conclusion:
And the game is on!
Pick your actions and Godspeed!
Images are Screenshots from Modded Skyrim and Tyranny
I'll forego the question phase this week and just kind of roll with things and see what happens...
To all who embark on the Brainstorm for Yabapmatt quest, I salute thee! In the future look out for my quests to become more difficult and dangerous...with Emperor @spiritualmax's approval of course :-)
Do you need stone?
We need wood.
I don’t think i have any wood left this turn but i will gladly send you some next turn!
Brick, you are doing a fantastic job. With a heat source we can now dry off from the cold rain, and we can now make pizzas late at night if you ever get that craving. I am going to keep trade open with other colonies, look for ways to protect your social security, and by that I mean your neck. I am going to keep you employed so you can have a nice pension when you are ready to retire. That's the kind of self-elected leader I am. Get some rest. You earned it. We're going to wake up early, and log some trees, and before you know it we'll have a wall.
Join my builder to chop some wood. We need more wood if we are ever going to build a wall.
I would like to fire my forester so that I can hire a miner. My forager can continue foraging, and I will build a fire to take off the chill.
I'd like to hire one forager and then go harvest wood myself.
Action phase; I will take my miner with me on a foraging expedition, with the recent sight of cannibals it will help to have safety in numbers.
That is all this week.
Update: I've delegated 50SP more to @cryptoempire to make it 100SP for next week.
Are you tired of just try to finding food, but do not have a place and live and you sleep in the cold
we here at NBM Farms and Forager Inc.
Have the solution just for you we will support u with a permanently food source. just a small payment in wood or stone. 1-1 ratio
a bonus We offer emergency food deliverer under war times or natural disasters. free of charge
The offer applies to colonies with 50 SP or less
The first signing up gets the first week free yes u heard correctly free with just 3 week binding time agreement.
CEO. Norwegianbikeman
we offer a permanently food source Agreement
u are in ore target area Se the comment on the matter
We, the DoEMaAC, would be happy to form a trade alliance with NBM Farms and Forager Inc. ,
our stone for your food. 1 to 1 is fair deal. we agree to 3 week (or longer) binding time. also, we offer to you whatever protection we have in times of need.
what say you?
are we adding this to the other agreement
1 stone for 1 food 3 weeks (trade alliance)
and then the 3 stone for 3 food?
its a deal.
NB: since you are over 50 Sp the free bonus does not apply.
but the emergency food deliverer is approved.
am Trade 1 food, for 1 stone. with @cyber.explorer
i have delegate some SP, i wanna join this. thanks.
wow great.. how much?
I'd like to forage some food because at this speed I'm running out!
What would be the requirements to build a fire? Stone for a secure fireplace?
do you have wood to trade for our stone?
Sure, 2 wood for 2 stone or something? Or 1 for 1?
Yes. If you have 2 wood we will trade 2 stone.
Awesome, thanks!
I do like putting wood on the fire ;) That's what I'll do please!
I shall embark on Quest NUMBER 1 please
and I shall send my forager back to foraging as he did a measly job as a miner
also I am willing to trade 3 WOOD for 3 STONE
I'll trade you 3 wood for 3 stone.
BAAAAHH!! Stupid cannibals! You won't scare me this week.
I'm going to build a defensive wall and a fire.
I will like to Forage for Food; and will like to trade 4 Stone for 4 wood, and also
trade 2 stone for 2 food. Anyone interested?
I'll trade 4 stone for 4 wood.
Done :)
ye a can do
Diplomacy: 2 food for 2 stone with @sames
Deal :)
Time for some fire...
Going to look for wood now.
I would like to embark on a quest to study fauna for the Emperor. I will gather up some nice sticks and sharpen them on the rocks to make some cheap spears to defend myself with.
I will mine for stone.
Do you have wood to trade for our stone?
I will like to send one settler searching for food and I will go along with him. My other settler will go cut down some trees and get some wood now that he has more training!
Also I need wood! Will give stone in return for wood! 1-1!
Are there collaborative efforts, if so:
Hi. I just delegated 10 SP and hope to board the fifth Armada. If you want noob company, I'll meet you at the docks. I figure I will be hungry and don't want to end up like the less fortunate settlers who never made it to the Turkey Day celebration.
Awesome I will definitely see you once you land!
Harvest Wood
@spiritualmax Yes, I did think 'settlers' and 'workers' were independent of each other. Thank you for the correction.
Our requests to the Emperor:
a) depending on his replacement day, The "Woodcutter" will take one last chop at the forest.
b) The Miner(s) will mine stone
c) I will make fire with whatever is available (trade stone for wood this round?).
After the Imperial Outpost takes their first pick from our outstanding stone production, I am willing to trade (for a fair price, 1:1) any of our surplus stones among our fellow colonists in exchange for food and/or also wood.
To everyone:
In addition, I, Chieftain of the DoEMaAC, am willing to open up our bountiful forest to share with our fellow colonist. If you would like to chop wood, and/or hunt in our forest for food, we only ask that for every 2 of something you take, you leave one wood or one food behind as a courtesy. And in gratitude you will also receive our protection while you are in our land.
~ Glory to the Empire, and long live the Emperor!
we can do 3 food for 3 stone deal?
a can do more food to if u like. but no wood :(
3 stone for 3 food. deal!
and no answerI sent you 0.2 sbd for the post
I really gotta save for the stone wall! Getting nervous out there.
I'm gonna have my miners mine, foragers forage, lumberjack get wood.
Once again the builder will help get wood and I will help with mining.
I hope that my answer is not too late.
So, I think it's time to develop and start building a wall. I will order one of my workers to start erecting the wall. And the rest must continue to work.
I myself will go on a quest to study the fauna.
I also plan to establish contact with the nearest settlements.
As the Lumberjack has done a helluva job this week, I've decided to give him a couple of weeks off, to either hang out at the Imperial Outpost and get drunk or find other work. I promise I'll need him again soon and send him on his way.
In his place I hire a MINER to come back and get us some much needed STONE to continue our colony.
And as usual, the builder and I head into the surrounding forest to hunt for food, maybe we'll stumble across some old tools/weapons left behind from one of the neighboring indigenous encampments... It'd be lucky... But until then, we eat berries! High in Vitamin C!
Colony: Give the lumberjack a couple of weeks off. Hire a Miner to start collecting stone.
Action: Forage for food with my builder
Diplomacy: Still selling information re: cannibals for 1 STONE, 1 FOOD, or 1 WOOD. (Currently not in the business of selling humans for food...)
I'll take you on that offer for information for 1 Wood! Sold! Also gave information to look out for workers fired as I now have a rebel community from my fired builder. They may band together.
Thank you for the wood!
The cannibal encampment is to the WEST. Do not go into the woods alone.
Thank you for the info on the builder. I'm a little worried, but hope my Lumberjack was in need of a rest and excited to take a break. I'll keep an eye out for any rebel intermixing.
We must snuff out the rebel alliances before they grow!
Ok will not venture to the woods alone! Especially to the west.
I'll take you on that offer for information for 1 stone!
Yay! A stone! I need some of those. 😍
Thank you!
The cannibal encampment is to the WEST. Venture there alone and risk... death 💀(by being EATEN!) (Well... I'm guessing they kill ya, cook ya and THEN eat ya. 😏 )
Good luck out there!
WARNING!! you have a scammer in your midst @crypto-empire stealing your bids and damming your name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just to let you know you might want to let others know and make it public =]
a did do some research and its he has almost the same name he is inactive.
Ok so we have a rebel now! grrr that should be reported to the empire for Sedition! I am a representative of the empire and I need to manage the resources that I have.
fire one miner(hope this doesn't join the rebel builder) and retain one miner
retain one forager
hire one forager and do the fauna quest together with me
retain lumberjack
maybe you can pay him off?
I would like to forage for food.