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RE: Introducing Steem The First Anarchy Mined Coin

in #steem9 years ago

You can't separate politics from Capitalism, it is the driving force; without politics you have a model like Steemit, a genuinely free market.

Capitalism is fueled by self-interest, and at once ruined by it; Steem is the answer to that conundrum.



I totally agree. Economics and politics are complementary of each other. Different from communism (which is a term of both political and economic system), there is a way to disconnect capitalism from the so-called real life democracy and bring the direct democracy, that's Steemit.
I am sorry if my previous comment sounded like a disagreement, in contrary.

The cow anology
Capitalism: "You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies and the economy grows. You sell them and retire with benefits".
Communism: "You have two cows. The state takes both and gives you some milk".

exactly. and communism is also associated with tyranny, dictatorship and massive oppression of speech rights (among others). I live in a former communist country, I know better the consequences.

Hmm, yes for Communism though I would say you missed out on Capitalism, I would put it more like this:

Capitalism: "You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies and the economy grows. However the value of your money shrinks, and the amount you need to survive after retirement grows exponentially. You sell them and after punitive taxes retire without benefits, wondering how you were sold such a massive lie".

Not quite as snappy, but you get the point :-)


No don't worry, I don't mind if you disagree, that is good debate! I just feel that Steemit's vested model of SP gives a much more even playing field.


I totally agree, again. It's is much more than a social media platform to make some money. You realize this only if you read the posts of @dantheman and the white paper.