Twitter is dying because of this movement.

After discoveries were published revealing censorship tactics used by "Big Social" media companies like Twitter and Facebook, Gab began with one goal in mind: To allow for the free flow of information, ideas, and debate on a platform that will not control the narrative nor present itself in such a way that users rely on its creators to regulate speech.
This refreshing idea took root in the minds of Conservative and President Trump Supporting social media users who witnessed these censorship tactics used on themselves and accounts they followed throughout the 2016 Presidential Campaign.
Facebook, who at the time had recently introduced trending topics, and Twitter, who utilizes a hashtag system to show popularity of a certain word or phrase, were caught undercutting popular Conservative stories, topics, and anything that upset the narrative that Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party were anything but absolute dog shit.
Facebook removed topics entirely, while Twitter allowed a hashtag to surge to the top, only to change the spelling of the hashtag slightly, creating a soft fork where users were split between the original and the Twitter created hashtag, thereby undermining their effectiveness.
On Twitter especially, the censorship had crossed the line far too many times, and anyone with two eyes and a functioning brain saw it. Major accounts with huge followings were "shadowbanned/throttled" or shut down entirely.
At this point the founder of, Andrew Torba, was furious. In August 2016, Gab was founded by Andrew Torba, Ekrem Büyükkaya, and Utsav Sanduja with a closed Beta version available by invite only. They started with NOTHING...

Soon after, Gab really started growing. Andrew had enough of Silicon Valley and was ousted by that fascist cabal when his peers and associates discovered his Conservative views. He was ostracized publicly for his support of Donald J. Trump, which lead to just one of Torba's many "based" statements about the Silicon Valley "tech cult" on the way out the door:
"“All of you: f*** off. Take your morally superior, elitist, virtue signaling bullshit and shove it. I call it like I see it, and I helped meme a President into office, cucks.”
Regardless if you agree with Torba in this statement, he has a right to say it.
Nobody else had...
Since that moment, Gab has grown exponentially and is funded by donations and subscriptions from its users. Currently Gab has 180,000+ users, over 9 million "Gabs"(posts), and the founders are fully transparent in their funding and operations, providing monthly reports and keeping users up to date on changes, new features, and updates with their Gab HQ.

There is a subscription based option as well, providing exclusive features to users who support the platform as a "Pro" and pay monthly or yearly.
GabPro is $5.99 a month or $59.99 a year. Gab will always be free to use and GabPro is 100% optional. If you haven’t been on Gab lately, now is a great time to come back and check out what we’ve been working on.
Being a subscription based platform removes the need for life sucking ads and corporate pressures from venture capitalist vultures. Gab users are more than willing to support the effort to raise funds and have even created posters and images encouraging others to support the movement.

Support My Writing By Sending Bitcoin.

Great article. Followed. I've been on gab since the beginning but really only started using it heavy a few months ago. Now I'm hooked. I never was on twitter so I just got into this type of social media. I do see Gab as a community more than other social networks. I'd like to find a way to push Steemit onto Gab users. I think both social media networks compliment each other. Steemit is designed for more extensive content and if we could establish a"gab network" over through a tag like gabfam, I think that would be a great benefit to Gab/Torba as well as gab users.
Unsurprisingly, Gab continues to get more press. I just learned about it today. Mind sharing how it's different from Steemit? Thanks!
Gab is more like Twitter and is more like Facebook and is more like YouTube and the biggest difference is that people are making money on Steemit already but the others not as much or they are working on it and in the future more will follow the crypto blockchain things that Steemit does. Gab is coming & the Gab founder was on Crowder this week and he said they are working on the crypto wallet thing on Gab so it can do what Steemit does.
Can you share your Steemit on your Gab? When I tried to link today, there was a glitch in Gab.AI because the Steemit URL web link address includes the at symbol, the @ which is read as a mentions in Gab. So, the same thing happened in Medium, too. I wonder if there is an alternative URL that can be used to link Gab to Steemit specifically.
gab was threatened
Gab was shut down in Oct 2018 after a gunman attacked church. He happened to have a Gab account and so godaddy and joyent and other platforms pulled services. But gab is back up now albeit missing a few services and features.