I think that with the wall he is suggesting the wall Trump wants to build between the U.S. and Mexico and that the wall is representing regulation from companies like paypal only allowing you to pay who they think you can pay and that with crypto you can pay any person any amount, basically for free and nobody can do anything to stop it.
I have heard many stories about people getting blocked by paypal for providing a service that they do not feel is good for the general population or if people receive too much money paypal will lock the account to first confirm the person is not some kind of criminal.
I think that with the wall he is suggesting the wall Trump wants to build between the U.S. and Mexico and that the wall is representing regulation from companies like paypal only allowing you to pay who they think you can pay and that with crypto you can pay any person any amount, basically for free and nobody can do anything to stop it.
I have heard many stories about people getting blocked by paypal for providing a service that they do not feel is good for the general population or if people receive too much money paypal will lock the account to first confirm the person is not some kind of criminal.