I enjoyed reading this, from someone who has clearly done the work.
I am having a fun time creating this "cat blog." Seems like most people miss the point that web content, on Steemit or anywhere else, has remarkably little monetary value. The fact that we are getting rewarded here at all is a small wonder. And yet, people act like this is some kinfd of magic cash dispenser.
Here's a reality pill for everyone (not for you, as you seem to have a healthy perspective): On a much greater scale than we have here, people moan and groan because "Facebook is making billions off our content!"
Indeed, they are. Facebook has 2.2 billion monthly active users as of April this year. Facebook's gross revenue (not "how much money they MADE") was approximately $40.6 billion in 2017. That means the average Facebook user is "worth" a little less than $18.50 to Facebook, per year. Being as how Facebook is truly mass market, that's a good approximation of the true monetary value of your content, dear friends.
Approximately one third of the rewards you're earning on this one post as I make this comment.
Seems to me a few people might put THAT in their pipes and smoke it, for a little perspective...
The fact that I can come out of nowhere, make some cute photo posts and make a dollar or two for cat treats? That's pretty amazing!
I like the attitude, go forth and spread it to your peers!
That's a great way to look at it, comparing what one user is worth to facebook. Plus, facebook makes that per user running adds, and before expenses. Thanks for the perspective.