Seeing is believing! Steem coin use to be valued at $0.22
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Seeing is believing! Steem coin use to be valued at $0.22
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Now we all need to make a mark on other social media. Hopefully steemit is here to stay! Pass it on and keep it alive!
In viewing the numbers and charts on, I think that the word is getting around! Steem coin went as high as 108% increase today! After that, the sell offs kicked in, but Steem coin is coming back strong, and this is only Saturday! Thanks!
New figures from;
#7 Steem Steem $ 61,220,167 Value $ 0.774883 Volume 79,005,691 STEEM $ 79,029 Up 118.63 %
I believe it will hit $1.00 before the end of 2016.
i think next month... or even week
Next week, really! Steem coin is hot!
Steem coin; Believe it!
A dollar per unit will make a true believer out of anybody! (Maybe next week!) Thanks!
New figures from;
#7 Steem Steem $ 61,220,167 Value $ 0.774883 Volume 79,005,691 STEEM $ 79,029 Up 118.63 %
Steem coin nearing the dollar mark; $ 0.932727 July 11, 16 @ 4:29 PM PST
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