Sorry, I hope you don't think I meant you (your post was rather enlightening).
The excerpt from the white paper you highlighted is just dumbfounding. Essentially chaotic neutral thinking at its worst. It basically says they don't care about the quality of actions here, so long as there are actions to drive the chain. It seems to say as long as your means of generating rewards for yourself don't break the mostly non-existant rules, then all methods are acceptable.
I get they want to be decentralized and uncensored and let the "market" decide what is valuable and not valuable content. However they have completely underestimated most people's desire for short-term profiteering and rent-seeking. There's a small but sizable portion of people here who are trying to create and grow something of value here, and a host of others in it just to get paid as much as possible in as short a time as they can. Unfortuntely the latter group is going to burn whatever real value the first group creates.
Spot on.
I can't believe you work in a helpdesk, Pang Tong ! The Liu Beis of this world don't know what they are missing !
That's unfettered Capitalism for you!